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Home Trefoil Guides Brownies Rangers Pippins Facilitators

The Guiding family is made up of girls and women from 6 to 106.  Our youngest members are called Pippins and are aged 6.  From 7 to 10 girls are known as Brownies, from 11 to 14 they are Guides, and from 14 to 17 they serve as Rangers.  Rangers often learn leadership skills as part of their growth and most Rangers In Leadership go on to become leaders.  A leader needs to be 18 years old and is provided with on-going training under our Leadership Training Programme.

Upon 'retirement' from Guides, as long as she is 19 years old or more, a woman can join the Trefoil Guild, where she can continue to support Guides in ways that fit with her other commitments. It is often said that once you've been a guide you will always be a guide, and Westland's Trefoil Guild has taken that as their strapline.