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Okay, this is a site for all people who feel that they don’t belong to or are ostracized by, the "norm" of society. You could be a girl, a guy, black, white, Asian, Hispanic, mixed, preppy, punk, goth, indie, gay, straight, bisexual, transsexual, ANYTHING. Here is here. Here is anywhere you dream of being. Here is home. Here is family. Here is feeling safe. Here is Foxfire, a youth group (by youth I mean anywhere from birth to age 109 =) anyone can be "young") to support those who feel different or, like myself and several others, simply refuse to conform to what society tries to push on all of us. This site is named after a girl gang in a book of the same name written by Joyce Carole Oates. (I definitely suggest you read this book. If reading is not your thing, go to Hollywood Video and rent the 1996 movie with Angelina Jolie in it. It is MUCH different from the book, but still gets the point across. Both the book and the movie make me cry) While it is not exactly the same thing, it serves the same purpose as a group of friends who protect, love, and confide in each other no matter what.

Ubiquitous Fox "Boom Boom"

You may be asking yourself...

"What exactly is this site about and what can I do with it?" Well, as I stated in the introduction, Foxfire is a group of friends. We protect and help each other out. We are also anonymous if we would like to be. In the future we may stage in person meetings, which is why I will ask you to pick a pseudonym on this website and not use your real name other than at in person meetings. If you choose to you can secretly tell another who you are but if you want to remain anonymous on the message board in any way to everyone else I suggest you do this by use of e-mail or private message on the message board.