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Welcome to a new magazine! Please use this web-page
as a guide to both
purchase and submit to the publication.
However, take a moment to read my brief statement of intent below.

What kind of material will I present?
I'm interested in memorable fiction, the kind of tale from which the bones of a plot might be removed and passed around a camp-fire, and yet which gains something - hell, maybe a great deal - from a conscientious reading. It's hard to define precisely what I'm after, so perhaps a list of prototypical examples of my favourite type of story will help. If you like any or all of the following, then FUSING HORIZONS is a production for you.

'The Scar' - Ramsey Campbell*
'The Cast' - Nicholas Royle
'Man From The South' - Roald Dahl
'The Distributor' - Richard Matheson
'Replacements' - Lisa Tuttle
'Open the Box' - Andrew Humphrey
'Running Down' - M John Harrison

'The Release' - Andrew Hook

Cleopatra Brimstone' - Elizabeth Hand
'In The Pineal Colony' - Glen Dennis

'Two Bottles of Relish' - Lord Dunsany
'The Black Cat' - Edgar Allan Poe
'Your Tiny Hand is Frozen' - Robert Aickman

There: a random baker's dozen, by no means comprehensive, and unlucky for some! I've also a penchant for fiction with a philosophical concern, though nothing that gets in the way of a fine chill...

(To writers: admittedly some of these tales are longer than my upper word limit. Nevertheless it's the mood and impact I'm alluding to. *Indeed read as much of Ramsey Campbell's short fiction as possible - his combination of conciseness and power is precisely my 'bag'. Pay particular attention to tales such as 'Call First' and 'Calling Card' - between you and me, something this brief and effective has every chance of getting in the mag...)

The magazine
At such an early stage, in order to keep production costs manageable, to pay contributors, and to make the sale-price affordable, I'm concentrating on quantity and quality of fiction rather than glossy covers and professional trickery. I intend to make each issue around 80 A5 pages long, with no adverts, with a colour cover, all for £2-65 a copy! There will be four editions each year, one for every varying season as it were, and an annual subscription will cost just £9-99 - cheaper than a takeaway and beer, what, and far more substantial!

All writers selected for inclusion in FUSING HORIZONS will be paid on publication £10 a story, at least until the magazine is up and running, after which I might be able to afford more generosity!

Stories between 500-5000 words are welcome. Please send only one at a time and include a stamped self-addressed envelope, otherwise I can't reply; or preferably make sure that the manuscript is disposable and include an email address for a quicker reply. Overseas submissions should be accompanied only by an email address for reply. No reprints or email submissions. No responsibility can be accepted for loss or damage to unsolicited material, howsoever caused.

Please adhere stringently to my checklist:

Fusing Atoms
Another little feature of the magazine will be a single-page supplement called FUSING ATOMS. This will consist of a collection of mini-tales - under 150 words - which encourage authors to be concise and effective. Here's an example:

To survive in that country at that time and in that war, you needed eyes in the back of your head.
Gyorgi stood from behind his shield of stare at the bullet speeding his way.
Now he had. Well, one at any rate.

Sorry, no reward for these babies, other than of course having your name in print, developing your literary reputation... Submissions for this section MAY be sent by email.

Order it!
Send a cheque made payable to Gary Fry at Fusing Horizons, 19, Ruffield Side, Delph Hill, Wyke, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD12 8DP, United Kingdom. Postage FREE.

For single copies: £2-65
For annual subscriptions (four copies): £9-99

US surface, single copy: $5.65
US surface, annual subscriptions (four copies): $21.95
(Please make cheques payable in dollars.)

Rest of the world: please enquire; negotiable

Please note:  the first issue is scheduled for December, 2003.

For any enquiries, email Gary Fry at:

or check out my official website:
Gary Fry