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Motallebi,Iranian journalist,writer
and the blogger behind was
summoned by the Iranian authorities
and subsequently arrested on ambiguous
charges on the eve of his 30th birthday.
These charges include the content of his web
log, as well as interviews
with foreign press and his other writings.
Sina’s wife Farnaz posted
the news of his arrest on his blog on April
19th, but the posting was later
removed. He had already published the content
of his summons the day before. "
Please read and sign this
the Free Sina! banner
You can sign the guestbook,if
you like, but more importantly sign the
petition.Use the Bravenet Tell A Friend
to pass the petition around.It's a quick
way to get the word out-it will not save
your email address (in case
you're concerned about it.
I don't like mailing lists
period and spam/junk mail
is equally irratating)..
Thank you and God bless!
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