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Dave's Online Recipe Page

[Index Page] [Soup Recipes] [Italian Recipes] [Far Eastern Recipes] [Indian Recipes]
[British Recipes] [Special Occasions] [Recipe Archive]

"All men should be able to cook!"
- Eirene W, Dave's Mam

This page latest update 19th September 2003

* This site is under construction!

* My apologies for the delay in getting my recipes up
on site. I've had, what can only be described as, a
"catastrophic computer failure" and have just got back
up and running again. I hope to have the first set of
recipes on display soon - Dave

* Welcome to "Dave's Online Recipe Page"
In the near future, watch out for an exciting
array of mouthwateringly delicious recipes
for you to cook.

* There'll be Italian, Chinese, Thai, Indian, English,
Irish meals to prepare - everything
from good old Spaghetti Bolognaise to Coddle!

* These dishes are aimed mainly at those of you who
haven't cooked much before and would like to try
preparing some more exotic meals. It's also aimed at
you chaps out there who've never lifted a wooden spoon
in anger!

* You don't have to be a culinary genius to prepare any
of the recipes featured on this site. So good luck,
and don't worry if your first efforts go wrong -
remember, "practice makes perfect"!

* If you have any questions or suggestions, please
feel free to e-mail me at

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