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 Omavi Victorine

 "Deconstruction of Happiness"

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  Then came
  Raging nights
  Lightning flashes
  Preview conscience storms
  Of chaotic dreams
  And even more
  Erratic thoughts
  Of leaving
  Running from
  Traveling just below
  The known speed
  Of neutron particles
  Colliding with anti-time
  No longer gale force winds
  Unfurled sails
  Gasping for air
  Grabbing for a hold
  Of long lost pain
  Stifling deep souls
  In the myriad
  Corridors and mazes
  Of broken hearts
  Shattered dreams
  Do come
  On the wings of night
  On what was once charmed life
  Tears leaking to the earth
  Bring forth black rose blossoms
  Razor sharp thorns
  Draw blood
  But nothing grows where it falls
  Nothing blooms
  Where happiness dies

  Copyright © 2002 Omavi Victorine

About the author:
Omavi's work has been featured online at Blaque Image, Big Lick Literary Review, The Nubian Chronicles, Tim-Book-Tu, to name a few. Omavi is a member of The Black Writers Alliance and is the co-moderator of the MidWest Black Writers Yahoo Group. Omavi is also a member of the Prolific Writers Network. Not just a poet, Omavi is an avid web & graphic designer. 

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