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Fire and Grace


My Favorite Web Sites

my pastor/moshing buddy. he's not your typical pastor and you should check out his web site
the web site for The Voice of the Martyrs. Their publications have changed the way i see the world in which i live.
i hope to go to india with these guys relatively soon
here's a booklet that shook up the Christians in two contenents and three nations. it was written by a hero of mine.
THE BEST BAND IN THE my humble opinion
my live journal, which gave birth to this web site

My vision for Fire and Grace is simple. I want to inspire, share with, and educate you. I think I am unique with things inside of me that are worth sharing, and that I have a gift to put them in writing. I believe we have a lot to learn from each other. Why else would the Bible be choc-full of stories about and letters by humans seeking God? Fire and Grace will be composed of my thoughts whether in the form of a journal, as excerpts from an email, or whatever creative means I may choose.
