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Fertile Resistance

our reproductive system, weather it is physical, mental or spiritual, is ground zero of the war against women. it's time we change it.
it's time to fertilize and grow our own resistance.

the point of this site is to promote knowledge, sharing and my zine! i feel like our whole bodies, minds and lives are under attack and i believe in supporting all women (bio and not), looking for knowledge and being active to make sure that no one can take anything away from us.
this includes supporting legal birth control and abortion, as well as finding alternitives to them. this also includes challenging western medicine, changing it and making sure every women gets what she needs. this includes looking at our past, using our present and looking into the future.

3/30/06 right now i am looking for SUBMISSIONS of personal stories!!! and i am always looking for womyn to help with the zine and website!
artices could be on... mental.emotional health - eating disorders - health tips - recipies - things that help - &tc
please email me to give me submissions or enquire about the zine! menstrualmadonna at

message boards
fertile resistance team
health share