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Various Zelda themes

and more zelda games music to come, soon :)
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¤Bremen march¤ *Fairy fountain* #Deku palace# ¤Gerudo valley¤ ¤*Gerudo valley (remix)*¤ ¤+Gerudo valley (mad mix)+¤ #Hyrule courtyard# *Deku tree* +Kakariko village+ *Kokiri (polka mix)* *Zelda's lullaby* #Windmill (mix)# ¤Song of time (rock version)¤ ¤-Song of time-¤ #-Windmill (remix)-* #+Windmill (rock version)+# ¤Swamp cruise¤ ~Zora domain~

super Nintendo

¤Dungeon¤ ~Agahnim~ ¤Boss¤ @Spotted by soldiers@ #Caves# ~Darkworld bunny~ ¤Darkwoods¤ #Darkworld dungeon# ~Fairy fountain~ ¤Ganon¤ #Ganon intro# *Village* ~Lightworld dungeon~ *Woods (remix)* ¤¤Lost woods¤¤ ~Sanctuary~ *Woods* ¤Zelda's rescue¤


Zelda64 Forest A hero's litany Saria's song