Broadwaynerd's Fan Fiction Bookshelf


Stories posted as of 1/16/06:


Movie universe fiction. Rated Teen for mild language and adult situations (although I'm not sure it actually needs to be rated T, it's better to be safe). Hybrid of movie, comics, graphic novels, and animated series. As always, written by llnbooks (a.k.a. lln_books). Watch out for the ending, folks. I'm not kidding.

Stories posted as of 12/19/05:


Yes, lln_books has another novel-length fiction ready to go. This one is based on the movie “The Brothers Grimm". Rated Teen (basically, consider it rated the same as the movie) for some mild language, some violence, angst, and adult situations. This is an AU movie prequel.

Also, my own art site is now up and running. You can find my work at Cafe now. Thanks to the friends who encouraged me.



Stories posted as of 8/5/05:


Yes, for those of you who love a long story as much as I do, here's a full-length novel based on the t.v. show "Dinotopia". I hope you like it whether or not you're a fan of the t.v. series. I've made the chapters short for easier reading. Recommended for ages teen and up. lln_books had two versions of this story and it took awhile to decide which one would be the final version. She picked what ended up being 'The Switch'. If you're curious to see the first 30 or so pages of the unfinished alternate version, check out 'Blue Fire'. Now, on to 'The Switch":


'The Switch' Chapter One


Stories posted as of 3/12/05:

Young Blades: "Red Handed" (recommended for ages teen & up)
Static Shock: "While You Were Out"
Starsky & Hutch (Movie 'Verse): "Blindsided" (recommended for ages 16 & up)
Dragonheart: A New Beginning: "A Proper Penance"

We hope you will enjoy them. New stories are coming soon!

Note from lln_books: All stories are written by lln_books unless otherwise specified. I don't get to read much fan fiction, so I don't know what stories for the above fandoms are out there. And since my friends who write have had problems with this, I just want to state for the record and under oath that similarities to any other stories are *completely* coincidental, and they are not based on any real persons or events either. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. ;-)

If you enjoy the stories, I'd love to hear from you. You are welcome to archive stories written by me at your website, but tell me first, okay? Email lln_books .

Email regarding story submissions or links should be sent to: Broadwaynerd

Disclaimer: All characters, t.v. shows, and movies are the property of the persons indicated in the 'Author's Notes' sections of the stories. This site is strictly for recreational purposes, no money is (or will ever be) changing hands.