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Pearl Street

This show was going to be great no matter what. An absolutely incredible line-up. Violent Reality was the opening band. Do not underestimate these guys, they tear the place up. They are one of the only bands I've ever seen who can get everyone moving as the first band. When these guys take the stage, you don?t know what to expect. Violent Reality are hardcore stars!! They get up there and play with total energy. They have so much fun up there, and occasionally leap off the stage into the pit. They music is put together really well. I see them as the rising star of tomorrow. Next time you see something about them playing, check them out. You?ll be suprised how big of a punch they pack. I can?t say enough nice things about them.

Second to play was Flatlined. I didn?t watch them from the front or catch any pictures, but they had a heavy-hardcore sound.

Medicated Savage was the next band on the bill. I?ve met them and heard a little from them at Longview Farm Studios as they were doing some work on their upcoming album. They were too crazy to get many pictures of. The crowd went absolutely nuts for them. When their singer Mo said jump, I swear to you, the whole audience jumped. They played a hard set. I couldn?t tell you what kind of music they are, but they have a Pantera/Sevendust sound, so you can decide for yourself. They are a live show to catch.

Still Life took the stage next. Millie was decked out, white as a ghost. Check out the pictures to see what I?m talking about here. They played a great set with so much energy. There were a few technical problems, but it didn?t take away from what they have to offer. They put so much into their music and there was so much support and love coming back to them from the audience. Ken from Collapse into Reason joined Millie on stage for song and the energy on stage was through the roof. To end the set, they finished with "Christopher Walken" which can be found on the Retaliate Records Compilation disk. Dave of Shoot the Dancing Bear was right there with them as they rocked Pearl Street with the song. The crowd went absolutely nuts for them. Both Dave and Millie ran off stage and joined the crowd for a moment during this song. Still Life gave everything they had and got so much love back from the crowd. Check them out soon, they are a really good show and my FAVORITE band out there.

Hypnotic Kick finished off the great night. I could only stay for a few songs but they always give it everything they have. The crowd loves Hypnotic Kick, and you can hear it in the echo of the crowd singing back.

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