

   Welcome, welcome, welcome to the first official issue of Emmerder. There's an old issue floating around somewhere in hard copy, but I haven't seen it in the last three years. Let's just assume it's gone (and for good reason - one can only tolerate articles about Whitney Houston, skanky ass cheerleaders and preppy idjits for so long..).
    Enough history. For those of you who know me and those of you who don't, I am Jasmin, a.k.a Poot (or any variation of Poot). I am a 21 year old college flunkie who lived online for 8 hours a day for about six months. By day I work in a grocery store where they seem to think we are expendable ("We do what works for YOU" - yeah, provided you don't work for the company or like being fucked up the ass.. let me put on my crown). Yes I bitch too much, but its either that or I hurt somebody. I don't like having to hurt things.
    Any ideas, comments, complaints, email the addy at the bottom of the pages.

Email: jgpooter@aol.com