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Monday, 12 April 2004
Just like many of the residents of many houses in many of the
neighborhoods within Elizabethtown, I have a circuitbox tacked to the
utility pole outside of my house, with the most wonderful of human
technology stretching from that circuit to my living room.
Like most, I have cable.
Cable has allowed me to see across the spectrum of programming,
from the most dazzling creative efforts- to the driest, most
informative efforts, as well.
In fact, I was channel-surfing the other day (rather than internet
surfing, for once) . I began with channel 311, 309, 308...5,4,3...2.
Channel 2, Hardin County Educational and Community Television,
featured a young immigrant, a songstress, from Bosnia. She was
being interviewed by several forums from several high schools,
simultaneously. The opportunity to listen to her responses was
certainly a fortuitous event for any Kentuckian who still might have
doubt about the future.
This young woman, accomplished in opera among other styles of
performance, related stories of a lovely youth spent in a lovely,
serene countryside. She related stories of a sanctity stolen by
political corruption and gunpowder.
When a young student asked about some of the differences between
Bosnia and America, she responded,"Presidents can be
replaced...dictators cannot."

Perhaps some of you may have seen this interview on HCECTV, or
perhaps you personally know emigrants from war-torn areas of the
world. Perhaps you are a veteran-you can appreciate all of these
responses from the songstress so oppressed by the terrible reality in
her homeland that she decided to flee.

Back to the internet: I decided to visit the HCECTV website, on
which I found a link to a gallery of pictures taken on a visit to New
York City. In despite of the exhilirating photos included in the
gallery, the horror of the barren skyline still haunts me...sickens
my thought. I can't imagine the thoughts of the songstress, when she
thinks of her childhood dreams, and the nightmare that followed.
Can you?

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 2:39 AM EDT
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Monday, 5 April 2004
The treasonous anthill
The weeds were swarming, reaching up to my knees, and I decided it was time for me to do something about it-
I traced the stepping stones back to the shed and twisted the rusty knob with my now-knicked-up hand. But I quit smoking two weeks ago.
I entered the shed carefully, because it had been a long time since I had retrieved anything from the shed... who knew what resided within its walls now?
Suddenly, a Phil Collins attacked me from the right upper sector, as if he were stuck to the wall, spiderman style. Turned out, it was a Phil Collins poster.
An old poster of an old Sussudio Phil, with a new hole in his head. I folded up the old poster, and stuck it in my King James Version:
Who says you can't go back?
At the top of the stairs, stuk to the wall, of course, was a fine figure-Mzzzzzz Tina Turner. I needed to investigate, just to see if the Tina poster rated as highly as PC.
I set my King James Version on the table, and climbed the last obstacle before I could have the bombshell.
Of course, I tripped. I was thrown several feet back down, until I recognized the same story from the minute before.
It was a sad, gloomy story.
I slowly rose from these ashes, until I had a chance to glance all around me; The Bible I had began crawling, all by itself, until it fell on the floor.
And, sure as shit, the Good News began sharing itself, with a tall, rather ornate anthill.
All things considering, that anthill is has grown in its wisdom, collectively, so it must be better off.
Now those wise ants are eating my Phil Collins poster, which must have been made from ant food.
Cause those ants ate it all.
The exodus of the ants from the anthill turns out to just be a raid, and a repair crew, cause soon, the enemy is going to the bathroom with Phil in mind, and the enemy is leaving little bits of Phil behind.
Those traitor ants!

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 11:55 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 March 2004
Folks I know
Burrito building
Immigrant to Hardin County
Generous with his time
Grayson County goose
Chord playin' Lietchfield boy
Official Host
Umbrella carryin'
Test-tube baby
Rod Stewart's favorite
Young turk

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 9:54 AM EST
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Sunday, 21 March 2004
Everybody Knows....
Everybody knows a resident of a nursing home-
All of us know someone.
These unlucky folks lie there, in bed.
I visited my friend today, who, with
No hope at all, just lays there, day after day.
Great he once was-no longer so-
And he cries, yet no one hears him.
I am one of the few who wipe his tears away.
No one hears what he he has to say.
This is his life now-day after day after day.
Children he has, yes, but they live many states away.
He dreams still of heaven and Jesus, one day.
Each and every day, the nurses chart him.
And I visit, and try to enhearten him.
Try as I might, I bring just a small light-
I greet, we meet, then we pray-
Nothing to offer my friend, I
Guess, who is being retirement-homed to death.

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 7:08 PM EST
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This is what I'm talking about.
Last night I did attend the Gary Fights/Kim Swickard show at the most-newsworthy State Theater.
The show was advertised as a benefit for the Elizabethtown High School marching band, and the money from the show was destined to go to the school.
Gary rented the State Theater for nearly two hundred dollars, and sold tickets for a good cause.
Kim and Gary were a wonder to watch on the stage, and they sounded as fantastic as I thought they would.
I can continue to inform you about the sweet effort of the local duo, but I can't say a thing about the school's effort, because, no one with a school borne ticket showed up.
No one from the Elizabethtown School District supported the State Theater, or our duo, or the marching band.
Not anyone.

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 3:33 PM EST
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Saturday, 20 March 2004
The first day of spring
Leo and Toni keep saying that today is the first day of spring- so, I say we should all celebrate by streaking madly through Gary and Kim's show this evening-
whaddaya say?
Just a thought.
The State Theater has offered so much to so many artists, I do indeed hope that the venue rises above the rumormongering that has been taking place in the local media lately. I hope that the Theater becomes a source of profit for both the artists who book their acts there, and the local community as a whole. I agree with my associates and friends when I hear them say that the success of the State Theater will depend on community involvement.
Much like a barn raisin'-if everyone doesn't help, then those chicks won't have no home.
Many of us have read our acquaintances' names in the bankruptcy columns and thought the worst; on the other hand, many of us have also read that many of the current members of the United States Congress have been bankrupt also.
The State Theater has a problem that someone knows how to fix. I purchased a ticket to see Gary and Kim tonight with this in mind.
Hell, I might even attend-Gary and Kim sound great together. Fantastic-supremo-excellent!
I have spoken.

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 5:12 PM EST
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Wednesday, 17 March 2004
Step Right Up!
I was just reminded of another reason why I've loved music:
I was slumped over, trying to think of a reason to stay awake, when I heard a wonderful 'old' song-

And the song goes on-a song which might be about a young observer who just likes to observe.
A song which might be an admonition, it might be a tribute, or it might be both; either way-this number is what I call a success.
Damned if I can remember who sings the song, or exactly what it's entitled. Step right up, if you know the answer.
Another tune that I have heard lately is called, " On The Dark Side," by John Cafferty (I believe.) That tune is just done right.
"Girls,Girls,Girls," by Motley Crue is another. The squeals in that one are grand.
"You my...brown-eyed girl..."
Van Morrison knew how to fill his pages.

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 1:33 AM EST
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Monday, 15 March 2004
What a week!
Gee whiz, have I had a busy week! My friend from Leitchfield needed help, so I helped her move; one friend from the center of Elizabethtown needed some help with his house, so I helped him with that. The winter was tough on the trees in his backyard!
Another friend in Elizabethtown was stuck with several branches in her yard, and I helped her police her property back into its former stature. My buddy Leo helped me with that.
Leo just bought a Roto-tiller from Kevin Fields. If you need someone to help you with some roto-tillin', tell me and I'll tell Leo. He's gonna plant him some lettuce and some other vegetables tonight.
Did you hear the sounds which came from the Backstage Cafe this Saturday? Call it Karma, call it whatever, but the force was with Hardin County this weekend.
Speaking of which, Gordon West and Keri Riggs have put their efforts on the internet, which I hope will lead to an astronomical contract.
Did I mention what Gordon was wearing, onstage?
That's because I wasn't looking at Gordon.
Gary Fights and Kim Swickard sang the J.D. Black Label Blues, which is soon to be a radio staple and a million-seller, if it's marketed properly.
I like hearing Kim sing about her black dog. I like that song.
Well supper's ready-gotta go!

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 5:58 PM EST
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Friday, 12 March 2004
This is my new poem
You never know
anyone, really;
however, this new blogspot
only will feature
original artwork-
Same as the last one
unless someone
chooses to submit
knowledge from around the web.
sources will be cited, when available.
Before I sign off, on this last entry of the day,
anyone who wishes may submit
lists, essays, and perspectives;
lovely poems and songs about life
simply keep it legit, my friends-I will.

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 11:05 PM EST
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Sent to me from Z. W.
This is probably the saddest...well not THE saddest thing I'll ever send you BUT it's pretty sad. lol

*Near to the door*
* he paused to stand*
*as he took his class ring*
* off her hand*
*all who were watching*
*did not speak*
* as a silent tear*
* ran down his cheek*
*and through his mind*
*the memories ran*
* of the moments they walked*
* and ran in the sand (hand and hand)*
* but now her eyes were so terribly cold*
*for he would never again*
* have her to hold*
*! they watched in silence*
* as he bent near-*
*and whispered the words*
*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear.*
*He touched her face and started to cry*
* as he put on his ring and wanted to die*
*and just then the wind began to blow*
* as they lowered her casket*
* into the snow....*
*This is what happens*
* to man alive.....*
*when friends let friends....*
* drink and drive.*

Posted by zine2/elpoep at 10:02 PM EST
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