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Electronic Harassment

I'd like to preface this by stating that my e-mail address has been sabotaged twice and if you don't hear from me it's because obviously I'm 'experiencing difficulties.........
History-Russia used it against the American Embassy there in the 50's or
60's, workers got sick and developed illnesses, some were chronic. The
Russians tested it on its own people as well. After the cold war it all
came out and the US acquired the research and did some of it own it seems!

Today-Since I started my research on this topic, when the harassment
commenced the number of websites on this topic has doubled, and the level
and the intensity of the harassment have quadrupled. I'm now followed
everywhere, even out of town. Once they followed me to the airport and I
wondering when I go visit family will they follow me there as well? They
laser and microwave me in class, at the theater, driving, even at the
funeral of a friend, they stung me during services. There is no respect,
and they endanger the lives of others, especially when chasing me on the
I lived in 5 different places and that's not including hotels. Within days
they are set up in an apartment or homes adjacent to where I was residing and
the harassment resumes.
When I go out of town I'm followed by a convoy of vehicles, SUV, sports
cars, and lastly the old and new white vans, although they are occasionally a
different color.

Who-The US Government would be the only ones who could fund such an
undertaking. Do you know how much it would take to pay all the ‘perps?let
alone all the neighbors? whose homes they are infiltrating. At first I was
thinking the labs alone, but labs create and develop ideas or solutions to sell
them. Okay, then who would be the buyer? Again we come right back to the
government! I'm told that the government contracts labs and universities to
do the studies.

Why-World Domination. The same basic technology that they are using against
Iraq was tested on me and others first. My professor from last quarter,
told us about the military's microwave that can disable the enemies
electronic equipment months before it made the mainstream news.
Additionally, he told us of other equipment? being developed to disable
humans without harming them, I guess this is where my forced involvement comes in. My life has been taken over by these animals, I'm lasered, microwaved, shocked and molested at will and noone does anything, because it's funded and sanctioned by the our government, and it is, of course, ABOVE THE LAW!

Links: Electric Shock Torture

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