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More Memories to Share!

The above is a picture of the city from one of the postcards I saved before I moved. It's a really fun city in America to visit! There is a lot to do and we have a great bus system for getting around. My friends and I during college would go out dancing, eat at the restaurants, and shop a lot in-between studying.I truly loved Seattle and it is a city that will always have a special place in my heart.

The above picture is of our Pike's Place Market. It's in the middle of downtown, on first Avenue near the waterfront. It has three levels - on the top level is our market with food - vegetables, fruits, fish, bakery items, fresh flowers, etc. On the lower levels there are tons of miscellaneous and unique shops.

And of course we have a coffee shop on every block - as we are the home of coffee! (Starbucks and Seattles Best Coffee are the main companies).

This is a picture of the main building that on my campus. This was where most of my classes were located at. I miss my University quite a bit - I learned so much there and felt I was at my best in my life there.

My school was run by the Jesuits . . . this is a picture of the Mother Mary - we had many little gardens and places to sit quietly and enjoy a break from studying.

While studying the Japanese language at Seattle University we also had a chance to study the tea ceremony with Urasenke. . . this is a group shot of my class and I! I am the shy girl in the back!!! I'm not so shy anymore!

Sensei wanted a picture of us girls together in kimono - so this is us! I just had to blink when the picture was getting taken! Oh well! It truly was a memorable day and one that I will never forget.

I've traveled through many states for vacations and while moving - this was a picture of the mountains in Idaho - they are truly beautiful. I think my second favorite moutains are located in Colorado. I would like to visit the moutains here in North Carolina soon!

I took a trip to Iowa (that is where my father was born and raised) - we saw a baseball game; we were treated to sitting in the special top room sections for V.I.P.s and my friend and I even got to meet the owner/manager of the team - he let us hold the championship gold ring in our hands!

Last year I went to Washington, D.C. (my birthplace) for my other cousin's wedding. This is a picture of Franklin that I took. There are lots of historical statues, etc. there.

These are my cats! The top picture is of my little girl cat "Samantha" and then the bottom one is of my boy cat "Pumpkin" - they are both characters.

This is a picture of the old, southern house that is located across the street from where I currently live. We have lots of old houses here in the South and in my town - I will take more pictures of my town when I have a chance!

Last March I was in the city of Raleigh's St. Patrick's Day Parade - I performed Irish Dancing with my school. In the parade there were also scottish dancers and bagpipe players! And because I know how you're interested in Scottish things - here is the local group that appeared.

Okay that's all for now! Take Care!