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The main references used in this essay are the following books:
Mesle, C. Robert. Process Theology: A Basic Introduction
Borg, Marcus J.. The God We Never Knew
Hartshorne, Charles. Omnipotence & Other Theological Mistakes

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The other references used were:
Schleiermacher, Friedrich. On Religion
James, William. Varieties of Religious Experience
Tillich, Paul. The Courage To Be
Tillich, Paul. Dynamics of Faith
Tillich, Paul. The Eternal Now
Tillich, Paul. Theology of Culture
Tillich, Paul. The Shaking of The Foundations
Kushner, Harold S.. When Bad Things Happen To Good People
Robinson, John A.T. Honest To God
Robinson, John A.T. Exploration Into God
Johnson, Elizabeth. She Who Is
Leech, Kenneth. Experiencing God
Leech, Kenneth. True Prayer
Leech, Kenneth. The Eye of The Storm
Wiltshire, Susan Ford. Process Theology & God As Parent
Williams, Daniel Day. The Spirit & The Forms of Love
Macquarrie, John. In Search of Deity
Griffin, David. God & Religion In The Postmodern World
Griffin, David. Postmodern Religion: Essays
Griffin, David. Reenchantment Without Supernaturalism
Ford, Lewis S.. The Lure of God
McFague, Sally. Models of God
McFague, Sally. The Body of God
Barbour, Ian. Myths, Models, and Paradigms
Barbour, Ian. Religion In An Age of Science
Ricoeur, Paul. Biblical Hermeneutics
Morris, Thomas V.. God & The Philosophers
Bondi, Roberta. Memories of God
Bondi, Roberta. In Ordinary Time
Smith, Huston. Forgotten Truth
Smith, Huston. The Worlds Religions
Soelle, Dorothee. Thinking About God
Soelle, Dorothee. Theology For Skeptics
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. The Cost of Discipleship
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich. Letters and Papers from Prison
Wüstenberg, Ralf K. A Theology of Life
Placher, William C. The Domestication of Transcendence
Tanner, Kathryn. God & Creation In Christian Theology
Buber, Martin. Moses
Buber, Martin. I and Thou
Buber, Martin. The Prophetic Faith
Buber, Martin. On The Bible
Buber, Martin. The Way of Response
Friedman, Maurice S.. Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue
Baly, God & History In The New Testament
Morin, Dominique. How To Understand God
Heschel, Abraham. God In Search of Man
Heschel, Abraham. The Prophets
Heschel, Abraham. Man Is Not Alone
Otto, Rudolf. The Idea of The Holy
Otto, Rudolf. Mysticism: East & West
Barth, Karl. Church Dogmatics
Augustine. Confessions
Dentan, Robert. The Knowledge of God In Ancient Israel
Eliade, Mircea. The Sacred & The Profane
Eliade, Mircea. Myth & Reality
Greeley, Andrew. Ecstacy
Goodman, Felicitas. Ecstacy, Ritual, and Alternate Reality
Goodman, Felicitas. Where The Spirits Ride The Wind
McGinn, Bernard. The Foundations of Mysticism
Niebuhr, Reinhold. An Interpretation of Christian Ethics
Niebuhr, Reinhold. Faith On Earth
Maslow, Abraham. Religions, Values, and Peak Experiences
Hardy, Alister. The Spiritual Nature of Man
Abbot, Edwin A. Flatland
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. Poems
Wordsworth, William. Poems
Nash, James A. Loving Nature
Daly, Mary. Beyond God The Father
Carr, Anne E. Transforming Grace
Kierkegaard, Soren. The Essential Kierkegaard
Freud, Sigmund. The Basic Writings
Taussig, Hal. Sophia
Trible, Phyllis. God & The Rhetoric of Sexuality
Scroggs, Robin. Paul For A New Day
Eisely, Loren. The Inivisible Pyramid
Hick, John. Evil & The God of Love
Jones, Alan. Exploring Spiritual Direction
Edwards, Tilden. Living In The Presence
Jung, Carl. Basic Writings
Thompson, Marjorie J. Soul Feast
Foster, Richard. Prayer: Finding The Hearts True Home
Smith, Wilfred Cantwell. Faith & Belief
Smith, Martin L. The Word Is Very Near You
Bloom, Anthony. Beginning To Pray
Nouwen, Henri. The Way of The Heart
Carter, Stephen. The Culture of Disbelief
Dozier, Verna. The Dream of God
Lenski, Gernhard. Power & Privilege
Brueggermann, Walter. The Prophetic Imagination
Kung, Hans. Eternal Life?
Lang, Bernhard. Heaven: A History
Harpur, Tom. Life After Death
Cobb, John. Various Online Writings
Cobb, John. A Christian Natural Theology Based On The Thought of Alfred North Whitehead
Cobb, John. Process Theology
Cobb, John. God & The World
Cobb, John. Process Theology: An Introductory Exposition
Grag, Alan. Charles Hartshorne
Pittenger, Norman. Alfred North Whitehead
Suchocki, Margaret. God Christ Church
Suchocki, Margaret. In God's Presence
Newberg, Andrew. Why God Will Not Go Away

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