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Hello, my name is
Leon Deutsch and you are visiting my personal website.
This site is part of an assignment for one of my classes at the University of Phoenix.
Personal Biography


I was born in Savannah, Georgia on April 7, 1974. My family moved to Texas when I was three years old and I spent most of my life there. My mother was originally from Texas and that is why they decided to move back there.

I grew up in a very small town. There was only one stop light in the entire town. Most kids there knew how to drive a tractor before they were in junior high school. We only had about 1200 people in the entire town. My graduating class only had 18 people and many of us had been in school together since kindergarten.

Growing up, I had many different jobs. I worked in a grocery store, harvested wheat, and took care of horses, cattle, sheep and pigs. I can’t count how may yards I have mowed and how many acres of cotton fields I have worked in. I was active in 4-H, FFA, band, drama club and enjoyed playing tennis and baseball. Most of my friends were Mexican and this is where I learned a lot of Spanish.

I was so excited to leave town and went to college just two days after graduation from high school. I attended Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. I had the opportunity to work at the medical school and volunteered in the emergency room while in college.

I served as a volunteer firefighter in my hometown and also became trained as an E.M.T. When I was home during the summers I worked part time with the local ambulance service.

In 1997, I joined the United States Coast Guard. I went to boot camp for eight weeks in Cape May, New Jersey. After that I was stationed aboard a ship in Miami Beach, Florida. After 14 months on the ship, I went to San Francisco, California to attend medical corpsman school. I fell in love with the city and also had the opportunity to visit Lake Tahoe while out there. Upon completion of my training I returned to Miami Beach where I served in the medical clinic. I was also trained as a pharmacy technician, shipboard firefighter and rescue swimmer. I was involved in several search and rescue missions and immigration cases for the next three years. At the same time I was attending Florida Atlantic University finishing my Bachelor’s Degree. In 2001, I graduated from college and finished my four year enlistment in the military. I decided to get out of the Coast Guard, but remained in the reserves. I worked for about nine months at a Cancer Treatment Center in south Miami, Florida. While in the Coast Guard I also met my wife, Doris. We dated three years before marrying on April 19, 2003. Doris is a talented dental hygienist. She moved to the United States with her family from Nicaragua at the age of 13.

I currently work at Keiser College in Orlando Florida. I was a medical assistant instructor for two and a half years and most recently became the Dean. I also teach online classes. My wife and I are building a house in St. Cloud, Florida and plan to start having children soon. I will finish my Master’s Degree in Adult Education and Distance Learning in November 2004. I hope to work someday for a four year university. I would also like to own a business someday and hire someone to manage it. This would be a great way to retire early and work for myself.

Leon Deutsch

View My Resume

Courses Taken at University of Pheonix

Building Our Dream Home

A PowerPoint Presentation Example: The Effects of Radiation

Links to Trade Magazines and Multimedia Tools

Advance Magazine for Medical Laboratory Professionals

Distance Educators Online Magazine

American Journal of Education

About eCollege, An Instructional Multimedia Tool

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