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Here is my minimalist tab page dedicated to The Crayon Fields

Ahh yes. By now you ALL must know who I am, so there is no point in spouting subterfuge about how I have seen The Crayon Fields play a couple of times and worked out the songs by watching his frets. It would have been nice to carry this silly joke through on our dear friend Geoff however I simply forgot all about it. In spite of this, it is no less fun to try and work this shit out, so I will continue making updates to this site whenever I can be fucked. Admittedly, I have only really tabbed the easy songs so far, and I am in a rather priveleged position in relation to access to their recordings, but how much bloody time do you think i have?

...obviously enough to put together two new tabs of two very new songs for your strumming, plucking, hacking, whacking or breaking pleasure. Enjoy!
Visit their official homepage for more information
email me

people have been here and had a squizz since i put this counter here.