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Greetings  punks and skins of the south.   Welcome to the online zine known as "Crashed Out".   This new website will feature many punk and indie bands and include interviews,   show reviews,  how to contact,  sound clips,  pictures and other good shit.  If you're band wishes to be listed contact us via e-mail here.  If you wish to join this team and cover shows and bands in your town contact us here and we'll work somthing out. Enjoy the site....

copunk.bmp (303702 bytes)


6-16-03: hello i think the e-mail prob is fixed haha we'll see, send me youre shit take care-albert

6-15-03:  Hey added that flyer down there, later.

6-15-03:  Hey guys and gals,  we need content,  send us links to your music (we can't host here not enough space),   send us links to your band's site,  send us flyers to upcomming shows or just tell us about upcomming shows and we'll put them on here.  Thanks. e-mail


july25th2003.bmp (631638 bytes)

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