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CodeRed Clan
Home | Members

About Us...

Well CodeRed is an Americas Army Operations clan founded by a 13 year old hard-core Democrat in Chicago and co-founded by a 12 year old guy from Indiana. That's why we have to use this free site. If you look by the picture of the funny looking monster-thing you will see what to do if you want to join. One more thing, we use Central Time and only Central Time and we speak only English. I'm not the most tolerant person around. Lol just kidding.

How to Join

Wanna Join? E-mail your AAO name to and tell your AIM address, and your favorite type of cookie. (Say Peanut Butter or You're Not In!) Write your real name too, plus your age and where you live. (Be Honest, I Don't Care If You're 47). One requirment for where you live, it's gotta be in North America. Too much of a struggle otherwise. (Yes, Greenland Counts). And that's about it.