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Monday, 2 January 2006
anime club sucks
Mood:  blue
Anime club pissed me off like hell. They're blackmailing me because they're itchy to rip some money off me. I want to joined another club.

Posted by zine2/cngon at 5:46 PM PST
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Sunday, 11 December 2005

After school I stayed in the library with Jacq. And we came into a conclusion to screw Calvin's math book ... meaning, we had fun messing it up. Therefore, one book side is a girly decorations and a skinny stripper on the other side with naughty “quote”. I'm sure it would be such a great entertainment. Hopefully, both of you guys will not be frustrated or annoyed.

Posted by zine2/cngon at 4:24 PM PST
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Sunday, 27 November 2005
Quick and run off entry.

Yesterday had been such a great enjoyable day with Shaun, Aaron, Calvin, Steven (not me), Dianna, Janice, Sasha, and Linh at Quickly, Pho 88, in Dianna’s mom’s car, and front porch. While, we were heading straight to Quickly for refreshment, Sasha was talking about Aaron being her sex hoe, and Stephaine or Janice and Sasha were singing a song loudly and funky, I reckless drove everyone’s backpack and Sasha in the cart, and hit a dead end for fun, ram against the smith, then Calvin did a deadly ride with out backpacks across a street, It went side way off the street crossroad, I strangle the cart, order green apple slush. After that, we head to Pho 88 for lunch … freaking Americanize Aaron did not eat his own spring roll that he ordered. My god, that spring roll looks so good, it has jumbo shrimp, veggies, pasties, and sweet, sour, sauce. Well, we try to force him to eat it and … that did not work, then Dianna and Linh joined us after we finish our meals, Dianna’s mom gave everyone a ride. It was way too crowded that I was squish to death with my bony limbs with Shaun, Calvin, and Aaron. After a while, we got out … spend the rest of the time at Dianna’s cozy friendly apartment ... Her apartment lobby is so … wow, beautiful. We pissed some neighbor off. I fed my consumers, Steven, Janice, Calvin, and linh with all my snacks because of ... someone is going to"waahh-waaahh" so we got through it =]. Calvin, Linh and I went hiding from Dianna and Aaron … some hilarious situation happens over “there” … ate jell-o, and … the end.

Posted by zine2/cngon at 4:28 PM PST
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Monday, 14 November 2005

I woke up at 2:00 pm. I broke my sleeping record in history. How about you ?

Posted by zine2/cngon at 7:55 PM PST
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boring boring boring ...
Wow, Saturday is really boring when I hardly did anything enjoyable. Well, it doesn’t matter since I don’t do anything on every flocking Saturday but to procrastinate from doing school work because there are never plans on my account, sucks.

I’ve been watching one my recent favorite anime, Bleach. The beginning of Bleach was so boring but it caught my curiosity to continue watching it, and guess what I had obtained? Excitements and heart beatings! Dude, Bleach is such a great worthy dramatic battle actions with shit loaf of hilarious scenes. The storyline have gotten so much better and a bit emotional along with the classic music. Dang it, you guys should watch it! Trust me. You won’t regret!

Another thing, my sister and I went to one of my oldest and favorite Chinese bakery store, Van's bakery at San Gabriel blvd near Hawaii super market. I haven’t gone brought anything from Van’s bakery for years! Every food at there is fucking delicious including the fresh “Chua su bow”, spicy sweet and sour sauce with noodles and ham, dry rice with sesame seeds, bacons, boba, slush, cake, and … darns it, so many goodies. Van’s bakery is like my life unlike almost every supermarket, and boba place. Shit man, this should be enough for me to express my love of Chinese food.

Posted by zine2/cngon at 12:32 AM PST
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Friday, 11 November 2005
school sucks
Mood:  sad
Man, school had been a bitch to me ever since quarter grade one ended a month ago. My grade was balance at once then I’m starting to fail almost every class. I’m a C rank average student, endangering myself to a D rank. What a complete idiot who’s slacking off in school. It’s still the beginning of the school year … but semester 1 had ended a week ago, darn it. When I think about this poor grade, it brings me down way too much as you might’ve seen my saggy face with my thin eyes above my huge dark eye bags is appearing very often and my reckless attitude toward people is currently affecting my social abilities. This is so unsatisfied and depressing about my unexpected situation that mysteriously affecting me awfully powerful in every class, periods, everyday, and everywhere, mindedly effective. Hopefully, I will definitely change my filfthy habits to become an A average student or at least better ... just like last year but this is point of my life is beautifully more challenging than ever !

Posted by zine2/cngon at 8:51 PM PST
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