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The Chatters' Ezine

~ May 22nd, 2002 ~ Issue #84 ~

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Movie Critic™&Review Agent™ | Featured Chatters

Welcome to the Chatters' Ezine!
by RiderOfTxStorm

Dear Chatters,

My humble apologies for the delay in the latest issue of the Ezine and my apologies to the Ezine staff writers as well. The delay was due to a few technical difficulties on my part, as well as some technical difficulties on the part of my local phone company, whose lines connect me to you all. Unfortunately, they did not want to readily admit that they were the problem, so it took a major storm from The Storm household to show them the error of their ways!  *LOL* 

Anyhow, with those problems taken care of, we are still having some problems uploading the Ezine to it's normal Chathouse webspace, so we are here again in our temporary Angelfire quarters. Through it all, we are still here for you the Chatters and here we are with another issue with some new additions for you to enjoy. Keep the new ideas coming, we have some in the works for the next issue already.

Send all email to and be sure to include something in the 'Subject' line to identify your email. Example: Favorite Link, Article Submission, What I Would Like To See, What I Hate About The Ezine, etc...

We Are Eagerly Awaiting Your Email!

Zine Staff

P.S. My apologies to The Halloween Party on the 2nd Floor. Our intended Spotlight on that room was delayed, but will be included in the next issue. Now on with the Zine!!!

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Your Birthday in History

Planetary Traffic Jam

The Adventures of
Movie Critic™
& Review Agent™


***** Must See!
**** Blockbuster night rental
*** Wait for it to come out on HBO
** Watch on regular TV channels & thank gosh for commercials
* Turn The Channel

(The Movie)

To See or Not to See?…..

You’ve all seen the promos, read or heard about the huge bucks raked in over the opening weekend for this blockbuster movie (and continuing to climb in the $$$$ ratings) the movie is all about your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Maybe you’ve seen Pleasantville, or perhaps Cider House Rules, possibly even Wonder Boys? (To name a few) Then you should recognize Toby Maguire. Maguire was cast to play the leading role of Peter Parker, whom on one innocent school trip was bitten by a genetically engineered spider, giving Parker the power to shoot streams of webbing from his wrists, cling to & crawl up buildings, well you get the idea.

As in any good superhero movie there’s always good vs. evil, and of course how can we forget the damsel that’s always in distress. In this action packed movie the evil doer goes by the name of The Green Goblin (played by William Dafoe). The damsel in distress, Mary Jane Watson (portrayed by Kirsten Dunst) is the girl next door that Parker has been in love with since he was 6 years old, yet was always to shy to actually talk to her.

I guess being a superhero does have it’s advantages *L*, but it can be deceiving.

Spiderman does have a real life as Peter Parker and this movie will grip you & pull you into that life as you watch Parker deal with living with his Aunt & Uncle after being orphaned from his parents deaths.

This movie has its sad, poignant moments. But has a lot of good humor as well.

You’ll learn the motive behind Parker putting his knew found genetic enhancements to good use and will find a quote sticking in your head afterwards, "With great power comes great responsibility."

All in all I thought this movie had a great story line, action sequences, humor, and plot.

A definite must see on the big screen to get the full effects of the action.

I give Spiderman a ***** popcorn rating.

~Review Agent™ 

The Cast

Actor:                 Character:

Toby Maguire   --     Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Kirsten Dunst   --      Mary Jane Watson

William Dafoe   --      Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin

James Franco   --     Harry Osborn

Cliff Robertson   --    Ben Parker

Rosemary Harris   -- May Parker

Release Date: May 3, 2002
Distributor: Sony Pictures Entertainment
Production Company: Columbia Pictures, Marvel Entertainment, Sony Pictures Entertainment
Official Site:

If you would like to share your opinion about this movie or you have a movie you would like to see us review please email us at
Review Agent™  - 
Movie Critic        -

We will also start reviewing books and music. If you have that particular band/singer you think isn't getting enough recognition or a particular book/author you think is a must read...let us know and we'll put it out there for everyone to learn about, with our reviews of course *G*.

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The Chathouse


You think we should ban everyone? 
Wouldn't it be easier to ban just you?

Dear Madam, I am writing to offer myself as your slave. Could you be so kind as to describe what you are wearing and what you look like and what you expect from your servants. 
Your obedient servant,
~name edited~

What I expect from my servants is basically what the word servant implies! What I'm wearing can be seen in this picture made by one of those servants, and since they take such good care of me, I regret to tell you I'm in no need of any others! ~S~ 

Chathouse News 

Worth A Whipping Handle:
Handles I have spotted that deserve at least a second look!
I'm thinking soon I might start posting best Profiles instead of best handles!

#1: Very Horny, Very Married, Very Male, Very Straight, Very kinky

New Room Homepages:

 ²   The Lily Pad Homepage
²   Our Great Hall

If you are interested in starting a Chatter's page for your room, simply start the page and let me know when you have the Link ready to be posted in your room and in the Chathouse's Webring!

New Forum:
There is a new Forum in the works. It is going to be of the same general idea of the old War Room Forum, but My2Cents will not be a regular in this forum. The idea is to give you, the chatters, a place to further discuss articles and topics covered in the Ezine, as well as a place for you to post topics that we can include in future issues of the Ezine. The Ezine staff, including My2Cents, may reply to posts, but will not originate posts or topics other than through Ezine articles. It is still in the works, so stay tuned for further updates.

Stolen Room Posts:
The below posts from are just few I took from two friend's having a conversation about a ~harasser~ in the room.  A room I might add that complains they need a room monitor to take care of such problems, yet notice the last post!
I won't mention what room these posts came from,
because they get enough bad press as it is! ~W~

 ²   ~handle edited~

 ²    ~handle edited~

²    ~handle edited~

 ²    ~handle edited~

 ²    ~handle edited~
HEY BOOTER DONT BOOT *~handle edited~* LET ME AND THE REAL  ~handle edited~ HAVE FUN WITH THEM 

Stolen Forum Posts
It seems to me that no matter where you go in the chathouse there is always going to be bickering and arguing, and really what is the point??? Life is hard enough and tough enough without all this shit!! Everyone talks about ppl in some way or another even if its only innocent chat, ppl will always interfere in other ppls lives on here and in personal, things have been dragged through the forums and in public and what is it really doing??? other than upsetting ppl who really just come here to chat and have a laugh, if someone is on here you dont like then just ignore them, putting posts in here and other forums just adds fuel to the fire, the more ppl post and reply to the shit the longer it goes on and on and on ...... Just stop the bickering and fighting and get on with your own business not others !!! 
Ive had my say wether its liked or not !!

Added Quotes:
Three quotes were picked this week to be added to the Random Quotes.

² "I'm diceyer than a game of Yahtzee..... and at least twice as fun."
Submitted  by -  Somebody a.k.a. CrayonGoddess

² "Three guys walk into a bar...the fourth guy ducks."   
Submitted  by - yummy bunny from The Last Room on The Left

² "Why is the man who invests all your money called a "broker"?"
Submitted by - Sexy Texie

To submit your favorite quote, joke, bumper sticker or motto for a chance to win and be added to the Random Quotes, email it in, along with your handle to,

Click the Chathouse links below!

New Chatters 


RantMaster's Theater   ²   The News Page

Chathouse Personals

My Two Cents

by My2CentsDealW/it!

Paul Revere Society - Citizens for Constitutional GovernmentTalkRadio

My Two Cents on
Taxes in America

Taxes in America. By now, unless you filed for an extension, most Americans have settled up with Uncle Sam and the IRS. Taxes paid for another year, or are they? When you think of taxes, most people think of April 15th, form 1040, 1040A, B, C, ...., Z, W-2s, 1099s, etc., etc. etc. Did you have to pay in or did you get a refund? Wouldn't it be nice if that was where taxes ended, but unfortunately it's not. To make matters worse, we are paying not only more taxes everyday, but in many cases more than we realize and in some cases in ways that we never even think of as taxes. How much of your paycheck do you REALLY get to keep "after taxes"?

 "After Taxes"? What does that mean, when do the taxes end and OUR money begin? Income taxes are merely the tip of the iceberg! Of course most people are familiar with Sales Tax, but we rarely think of it really as a tax. Sales tax is more like an inconvenience, you have a one dollar bill and try to buy a 99¢ candy bar and have to go dig a few cents change out of your car seat to pay for it, right? How much is that sales tax? How about a range of 4% to 14.75%, Click Here to see you state averages. So, after you work 40 hours and have you income taxes withheld, Social Security, Unemployment, etc. you then pay between 4-14% of what is left in sales taxes. But that's not all, it gets better! Do you drive a car? Do you smoke? Do you travel (fly commercial)?

Hidden automobile taxes are outrageous. Do you really now how much it costs for the privilege of driving a car? The price for a gallon of gasoline includes 43 cents for taxes. The federal gasoline tax is 18.4 cents a gallon. The national average for state gasoline taxes is 22.6 cents a gallon; the national average for local gasoline taxes is about 2 cents a gallon. The total annual motor fuels tax bill for the nation is nearly $67 billion. That works out to about $250 for every man, woman and child; $380 for every licensed driver, or more than $670 for a family. Rural Americans drive much more than urban Americans and may pay two to three times as much in gasoline taxes. Many states require auto insurance, if it is mandatory then it is the same as a tax. How about registration and inspection, again if it is required by the state then they might as well call it a tax.

Smoking is BAD, right? So of course smokers pay through the nose in taxes for the privilege of smoking. Anywhere from 3 cents a pack in Kentucky (tobacco state) to $1.425 a pack in Washington state, with the national median being 34 cents a pack. New York may have taken over the top spot though, they had a tax increase scheduled for April 3rd to increase the per pack tax rate to $1.50. However outrageous these taxes may be, they will probably be going up soon. Smoking is still legal, but you can't do it anywhere in public anymore, the anti-smoking movement has done all but outlaw it, lawsuits etc. and they tax it so heavily, it's a wonder that anyone can afford to smoke anymore.

~taking a long drag off my Marlboro~

So, now you have paid all the taxes that come out of your check BEFORE you get it, paid all the "hidden" taxes for the privilege of driving and paid the high taxes for your smokes. I don't know about you, but I need a vacation. But wait, a vacation? Flying somewhere exotic to relax and get away from this madness for a while? As you browse through or or you see what look like very reasonable ticket prices. Read the fine print, ticket tax, airport fees, 9-11 security fee, etc. On a $100 round-trip domestic ticket with one connection, four taxes account for $44.19 of the full ticket price. Double that for you and your significant other to fly together and the taxes on those two tickets would be enough to bring a kid or two along with you if there was no tax. According to Ed Stewart, a spokesman for low-fare carrier Southwest Airlines, a family of four flying Southwest to visit Grandma would pay $211.60 in taxes, based on the airline's average round-trip fare of $172.

These are just a few of the "hidden taxes" that we pay over and above federal income tax and the other taxes withheld from our paychecks. I have not even touched on State income taxes (for those that have them), local and county property taxes (which are included in your rent if you don't own your home), and countless other taxes that we pay regularly. Just to put this all into perspective, check out the Tax Freedom Day website. For this year, 2002, the average American will work from Jan. 1st to Apr. 27th JUST to pay taxes. So nearly one-third of the average paycheck goes to taxes. At $18 an hour your are earning $12 worth of actual buying power, but this is only taking into consideration "taxes" (federal, state and local). This does not figure in added fees, required insurance, vehicle registration and inspection costs or the numerous other "hidden taxes".

Is it just me, or are we paying entirely too much in taxes and paying it in too many clandestine ways? I am a strict Constitutionalist, which means I believe in a SMALL federal government, stronger state government and individual control. I want MY money in MY hand. My taxes should be paid to My State and my state should support the federal government. I firmly believe in a flat tax or better yet a national sales tax of sorts. Personally I would like to see the IRS gone, each state institute a state sales tax (flat-rate) and each state pay the federal taxes based on their respective populations. No more Apr. 15th, no more forms and no more IRS intimidation. Give the individual the full power of their paycheck, let the spending of that paycheck support the state and local governments and let the states bear the burden of supporting the nation. The sole purpose of the complicated and clandestine tax system we have now is to allow politicians to control our behavior through tax incentives or hikes and to keep the general public in the dark as to just how much money is being taken away from them. Stop being manipulated, stop being robbed and get all of what you work for. It is time that we take back control from the liberal puppet masters in Washington DC. Get informed and spread the word.

Tax Foundation - Citizens for Constitutional Government

That's My Two Cents, Deal With It!

So, what have you got to say?

Let me know and I'll tell you if it's worth 2 cents!

*note: all names and handles will be changed or removed to protect the pathetic*

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