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ChasingFame Exclusive Interview with RyanJoy!

RyanJoy is a beautiful, talented, enthusiastic new Pop/R&B performer who is just breaking out into the scene. But she has already made quite a name for herself in Florida, even performing at Guavaween in Tampa, FL on the Radio Disney Sound Stage, a Tampa Aids Network charity concert, the Radio Disney Sound Stage in Miami, FL, the Heaven & Hell Fashion Show at Club 1509 which was sponsored by Ego Trip Magazine, the Pan American Festival in Chicago, and the Grand Opening of Muvico!

Hear Ryan give us a shoutout!

ChasingFame: Hey Ryan!
Why don't you just start by telling the readers a little bit about yourself. RyanJoy: My name is RyanJoy I'm 22 years old I was born and raised in Tampa FL, still live in FL, and I have been singing practically my whole life and dancing also. I got more involved with dancing though first before singing and I started that when I was about 12.

ChasingFame: Do you play any instruments or write any of your own material?
RyanJoy: I don't play any of my own instruments yet, but I really wanna learn how to play the drums I think that would be really cool to learn and incorperate that stuff into a show. I do write, I haven't recorded anything I've written yet, but I do write a lot of stuff. Probably next time I get into the studio I'll be able to record something that I wrote.

ChasingFame: When do you plan to release an album- if you do?
RyanJoy: I actually just finished my demo cd at the beginning of this month so I have about five songs and I'm going back up to New York in May so hopefully by summer I'll have a while cd that I'll be able to put out on the website and see at shows.

ChasingFame: ok great! What is it like in the studio with you? What are your feelings, is it fun for you?
RyanJoy: Its definitely fun, it's fun in a sort of creative way. It gets frustrating a lot at times especially cuz being in the studio you get the opportunity to if you mess up to do it over again, but if you continually mess up you end up having to do it again and again so that part definitely gets frustrating, but its cool to be able to sit down and vibe to the music and be with writers and just the whole creative process of it is really fun.

ChasingFame: What was the first concert you ever attended?
RyanJoy: [laughs] umm it was New Kids On The Block I was like 12 or 13 I think. It was in Miami at the Joe Robins stadium.

ChasingFame: Did that inspire you at all? Did you go to a lot of concerts?
RyanJoy:Going to concerts no, cuz I really never went to a lot of concerts till I was like 17 or 18 years old and um basically it was just seeing people that inspired me on tv and performing on tv and I mean as a kid I used to watch the Mickey Mouse Club and Kids Incorperated and all of that and it always made me be like 'I wanna do that! I wanna do that!' and all through elementary school and junior high I was in chorus and then really got involved with dancing when I did it with a tv show that was filmed locally when I was 12 and that was the start even more of everything. Dancing kinda fell into place before singing did, but dancing definitely led into the whole aspect of wanting to persue singing more so.

ChasingFame: Where are some places that you've gotten to perform at?
RyanJoy:I've really only done a lot of stuff locally here. I did get to perform with Radio Disney here at the Guavaween.
ChasingFame:Yeah, we even heard about that one up here in CT.
RyanJoy: Oh yeah? Oh cool! Yeah, Radio Disney they usually put on really nice events so I've done a lot of stuff with them.

ChasingFame: So where would you like to perform if you could perform anywhere?
RyanJoy: I would love to do like a big performance in another country like I've always wanted to go to Italy…so Italy or the Bahamas with a sold out crowd in a really nice place like that ya know?

ChasingFame: What are some of your musical role models?
RyanJoy: Janet Jackson. She's definitely an influence on me as an all around entertainer that's how I wanna be. Not just a vocalist, not just a dancer, performer,  ya know I just want to mix the best of both worlds and be an all around entertainer.

ChasingFame: Where do you draw your inspiration? Family, other artists as you were saying?
RyanJoy: I get it from a lot of places…people close to my life, friends, family, everyday happenings in life all different kinds of things.

ChasingFame: What would you say you are most proud of today in your life at 22?
RyanJoy:Everything that I've been able to accomplish so far in my career. I've been very blessed with everything that's happened the people that have helped me out the people that believed in me. I'm not even at the level where I want to be in my career and yet I'm so happy with everything that I have gotten and what I've received from people.

ChasingFame: Where do you see yourself and your music in the future?
RyanJoy: I'm gonna take over the world! [laughs] I just hope that even if I don't reach that point, just to have the opportunity to meet such wonderful people, to record music, to be happy, ya know be allowd to be creative with my music and perform ya know that's what I want to be able to do that's my main goal. Do my own music, be who I wanna be, and perform and touch people ya know inspire people to accomplish their dreams and see what they really want to do with life…that's really where I want to see myself.

ChasingFame: Do you see yourself doing any acting or modeling or even choreography?
RyanJoy: Definitely acting, that's always something that I wanted to be in high school and stuff and I actually just did the musical Chicago here in FL so even Broadway would be a route that I could take. I wanna be an all around entertainer, I want to do everything! Model, Broadway, whatever it is I wanna do I want to be able to accomplish it and I know that I will.

ChasingFame: What do you want people who don't know you, don't know your music, to know about you?
RyanJoy:Basically, what they see is what they get! I'm not trying to be anybody or something that I'm not. Luckily I don't have people working for me that are trying to mold me into something they think is going to sell. The music that I do is the music that I want to do, the lyrics that you hear, if it's not written by me, it pertains to me. I'm not singing about someone else I make sure that the songs I sing still hit very close to home and are very real and true to me as a person and in my life. Basically, this is me! Ya know, I'm not fake. I'm gonna sing what I wanna sing, wear what I wanna wear, I'm gonna say what I wanna say, ya know, I'm no body's Barbie doll I guess you could say.

ChasingFame:Alright, well thanks so much Ryan! And best of luck!
RyanJoy: Thanks so much guys!

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