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Captain Fredy's

Home Page

Moderators/Editors: Mipermi, and Waste-o-space.


Last Update: Friday, October 28, 2005

Message from: Mip

            Even more amazing....three updates in a single week. Don't be expecting this every week. That is if we actually get any viewers. New updates are more game reviews and a more in depth CD review. Hopefully we will start getting viewers so I feel like I actually have some impact somewhere. In fact if you are looking at this website, pleases tell your friends about it, and send an email to If you do we will really appreciate it. More things you can look forward to are the some of the old funny pages from the original site that no one probably looked at. But there is some pretty funny stuff in those. Those are some of the new things that will be coming soon. I also added links to this homepage so you can get back to here without having to click the back button. I also fixed up some of the hyperlinks in the last update. And I don't think I will be getting the movies up anytime soon.



   Last Update: Thursday, October 27, 2005

Message From: Mip

            Amazing but true.....two updates in one week. Today's updates are.....drum role please... two new pages. You heard me. Two. One is the Media Vault. We rate CD's, movies, and a link to the other new page, the Game Vault. So far we have about 5 short reviews. On old games. But in other news I also updated some previous mistake made that I didn't catch. Like the wrong date on the first update and taking off the pictures that wouldn't show up.

Links:                                Media Vault:

                                        Game Vault:



Last Updated: Monday, October 24, 2005

Message From: Mipermi

            Time for you peoples out there to rejoice. We (me and Waste-o-space) finally got off our big fat lazy butts to come and work on the website. But don't get to excited because this is as far as we got. We will try to get the movies up (mentioned in the letter below) and possibly a downloadable game.


                                           Message from: Waste-o-space

            With the new look, it may take some time to completely equip with all of it with, well, what we want on it. (We're lazy) So give a little leeway to me and Mip. Were are soon putting on Videos that me made ourselves. And guess what! You were thinking Flash Movies weren't you? No we're using Windows Movie Maker and Paint. Plus we have no microphone.  So their soundless, poorly drawn, comedies. And after the movie we know what you will be thinking, (wtf is this!?) but just in case send your ranting I mean rating at

Please send 1-5 *'s. Plus we have a game. It's coming soon though because its in the beta testing with EA games.....j/k. Thanks for all your patience.



Captain Fredy