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Mind Your Art.

Winner of Two Pacemakers.

Published annually, Expression magazine strives to promote recognition of student literature, art, and music while preserving literary and artistic integrity.
Dedicated to excellence in the arts, the magazine offers students the opportunity to have their work published and provides a fair and unbiased evaluation of student submissions.

Submissions are being accepted in the following categories:

Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, One Act Plays, 2-D Art, 3-D Art, Photography, Ceramics, Jewelry, Musical Scores, Architectural Design, Costume or Makeup Design.

The Expression staff welcomes submissions in other categories that display student creativity for consideration.



NOTE: The theme is chosen for the overall magazine; it is not necessary for submitted work to compliment the theme.

Submission Guidelines
(Click for pdf file - Printable)

Editor In Chief:
Stacey Bigliardi

Managing Editor:
Colby Frontiero

Production Editor:
Penny Lawrence

Literary Editor:
Ali Volk

Assistant Literary Editor:
Maira Magana

Art Editor:
Micah Brandt

Staff Assistants:
Helen Schmill
Justin Riddle

Faculty Advisor:
Terry Rasmussen

The Expression office is located downstairs in the Student Center in room CE 105.

Submission packets can be picked up at the Expression office.

Phone Number:

Casper College Online

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