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Greeley Wyldlife







Past articles

The low down on Wyldlife

This is for any one that may be curious as to what Wyldlife really is. Well here goes. Wyldlife is consisted of college students or high school students. They must go through training in order for them to be leaders. Young Life is the same thing except high school students are not allowed to be leaders as to the fact that Young Life works with high schools around the area.

        Young Life and Wyldlife is a non-denominational Christian out reach program for high schools and middle schools alike. What we do is build relationships with kids and just have as much fun as possible with the kids. We do various activities in and out of school such as pancake breakfast in the mornings and maybe going to a ski resort to go ride on the slopes for a day.


Leaders for Wyldlife

Lindsey Neam --- I guess you could consider her the chief 

Derrick LaFebre --- This guy rocks, if you get to hang out with him he is a lot of fun. 

Charlie Sinclair --- Incredible pianist great musician, this guy is crazy funny.

Ashley Devore --- She is a lot of fun to be around, always makes kids laugh.

Wesley Scripps --- What can I say, this guy (me) is just random and you never know what he may do or say.

Juan --- He is good to talk to and is not afraid to get a little crazy every once in a while.

Ryan Shepard -- This guy can not be described by words, the best thing I can come up with is, "Wild"


