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   A boy and his canon     

                                                                The literary wanderings of greg gulledge  



Welcome to the site.    Feel free to come in and browse as long as you like.  If you have any questions just raise your hand and someone will be around shortly.  Try not to be distracted by the wide range of topics.  Inspiration comes in many guises.  Regardless of whether it's an advertising piece or a morality tale the important thing is to know inspiration when you see it and to try to have a carrot and a  bear trap nearby.  So please wipe your feet and come inside. I hope you enjoy your stay.






                                         From the Dead Mule         Charlie's Purgatory        Untitled Space Movie     


                                                                       Alternative Greetings             Pure Speculation                                                                                                                                     


                                                                                                                                Back Cover Copy 


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