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Tuesday, 11 October 2005
Mood:  caffeinated

Regarding these earthquakes and floods, and hurricanes, When you have too many people on too much of the Earth, this provides too much communication. Which scares people, who are not in the know, into thinking the sky is falling. If the land masses that were hit didn’t have people, only animals, we wouldn’t be hearing about it on the news.
Math-wise, we were bound to have a huge probability of mass accidents all at once because we have been so quiet accident-wise

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:46 AM CDT
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Mood:  caffeinated
Webster's New World College Dictionary says:

Anomalies- Seeming to be inconsistent, irregular arrangement, abnormal.

I dedicate this blog to a wonderful human being, who helped me understand myself better, and, of course she gave me really good feed-back on my children's story. Her name is Amanda Chesworth. She is an anthropologist from the CSICOP organization, in the educational department at The Center for Inquiry in Amherst, New York.

I was told a story of a man who lived in an apartment complex and in his bedroom he had an expensive glass teddy bear on his dresser. This bear was full of quarters or something. Anyway, every week at a certain time of day, the bear would move slowly and silently across the dresser to the other side. This man could have said that this was a ghost for sure. He didn't.
Instead of being frozen by fear, he explored a different option. He was determined to find out what was causing this problem.
He found out that the tenant above his apartment was doing her washing in a silent washing machine that was stealthily vibrating the whole apartment.

What the CSICOP organization and I want you to know that anomalies happen. Please don't diagnose them yourself. Don't call a supernatural specialist or ghost buster. They just cause more fear.
Get a real scientist from CSICOP. You can contact them over the internet.

What you could be experiencing could also be a hallucination. I found I was hearing a humming sound like an engine in my ears. My husband couldn't hear it. He seemed to be losing his hearing anyway. I tried to tape record the noise I was hearing. I got nothing. I saw an ear doctor and he cleared it up for me. I was told it was the sound of blood rushing through my ears, like when I've drunk too much caffeine or if I'm stressed out, or both.

So, please, scientists aren't bad people. More people hate the police, have you ever heard of a scientist beating someone up? or being a racist? Or planting evidence? Or blatantly lying?

So if you see an anomaly please show a skeptic or someone whose impartial.

An anomaly could be a "Ghost", "UFO", "Big foot", or anything else people make up to either create a fear or money.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:41 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 11 October 2005 11:50 AM CDT
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Sunday, 2 October 2005
Mood:  mischievious
Last night a dark, furry beast came running out of Waterby Woods and jumped out at a car on Highway 51. This creature was screaming at the top of it's lungs, scaring the driver Pat Newbrick into almost driving off the road and hitting a tree. Other victims of different Bigfoot sightings stated that this creature looked like it was wearing head phones, "like a walk man or something." said Philis Dungery. "It sounded like really bad rap or something," said Jerkle Pie, "like maybe it hated the sound."
Later the police apprehended the person caught up in all the excitement: Benny Waste was in a gorilla costume listening to bad rap music on his walkman, and jumping out in front of cars scaring the tall tails (tales) out of people, who quickly became sure about what they saw and were ready to share it with the world.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:29 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 October 2005 1:19 PM CDT
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Mood:  mischievious

A young man, named Jenson Snarp, seemed to be the only one who was seeing this elusive werewolf. Finally, some of the other villagers started seeing strange things around dead bodies also.
Then one day, Snarp came into the town tavern and announced that he was cursed and he was the one that turned into a werewolf when there was a full moon. People there at the tavern started to circle him and look under his shirt for fur and they examined his nails for blood or flesh.
"What are you doing?" Snarp was heard panicked.
"We're checking you out." said the sheriff.
"What are you checking for?" asked Snarp upset.
The tavern people didn't reply. They just kept circling Snarp and sucking on toothpicks.
"Look I'm a werewolf cause I eat human flesh. How could I do that If I ain't a beast?"
"Hmm what else you do? Werewolf?" asked the Sheriff.
"That's enough ain't it?"
"Hmm, You are saying in front of all these people that youse a werewolf? Cause there's a full moon out right now?" asked the Sheriff.
"No, There's no full moon tonight." said Snarp starting to wring his hands probably from worry.
"Son, I think you should take a look outside there." The Sheriff pointed to the windows. Snarp walked over and said,"No that there is a moon in it's first quarter."
"No that is a full moon." The bartender came over with a calender for Snarp to have a look.
"Oh, then, I've already changed into a werewolf," Jenson Snarp said proudly.
Where? Wolf? You don't look like no wolf!" said the sheriff.
"Yes I do!" Snarp ran his fingers through his blond hair.
Other villagers cried out. You can't be a wolf unless:
1. You howl at the moon.
2. You have to be friends with other werewolves and where are they? 3. You have to bite ticks and fleas on your hairy back.
4. You have to live out in the woods.
5. Other wolfy things.
Because the villagers added more and more to Snarp's original story caused the young man to attack the Sheriff out of shear frustration. The bartender loaded his gun and said, "If youse a werewolf, I have a silver bullet right here."
The silver bullet tore through Snarp's heart and struck the sheriff's radio, saving the Sheriff’s life.
Jenson Snarp died, immediately on top of the Sheriff. Later Snarp's diary was found with his personal stuff in a motel room.
The journal talked about his struggle of eating taboo flesh so he decided to become a werewolf in his mind.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:26 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 October 2005 10:31 AM CDT
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Mood:  mischievious
This October's Horror Scope: A dump truck you were following, shoots a rock in your direction and breaks your hood ornament on your vehicle.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:23 AM CDT
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Mood:  on fire
When the Nazis slaughtered the Jewish people, America and the world screamed, "Never will that tragedy happen again!"
By the end of the year 2005, a million innocent black Muslim African children, women, and men will be dead. The Nazis were humane compared to the Arab Muslim Janjaweed Militia!
Show indignation now! Write to your Representatives, and demand pro-life for the Darfur people.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:22 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 October 2005 5:19 PM CDT
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Mood:  mischievious

The mentally ill, off their medication, hold psychiatrist and therapists hostage in a padded back room cell, only temporarily. The mentally ill will open up their yearly paranormal business. The County's Human Service building held booths of all kinds of Tarot, Palmistry, Psychic healing, Aura readings, Natural health, Clairvoyance, Astrology, Past lives, Psychometry, Numerology, Graphology, Life path, Runes, oracle readings, I Ching, naturopathy, iridology, Chiropractic, Body work, Energy work, Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Herbs, Essential oils and much more. They will even come to your house at night to see phantoms that you can't see yourself for a small fee. The mentally ill are great at seeing and hearing things much better then "real psychics." They have an easier time with being convincing because they believe what they see and hear one hundred percent! If you need someone to see God for you, the phone number there is 312-555-6743. If you need to prove you healed someone give one of these individuals a call. With the prices of medicine going crazy, the mentally ill need your money, now. Please be generous and help those who can help you.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:18 AM CDT
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Mood:  mischievious
Giant big-eyed fetuses who stand a whopping three feet tall are said to be flying around in space saucers. They have been reported abducting their Mothers and Fathers and doing strange sexual experiments because:
1. they want to catch their parents doing it to see if it really is gross.
2. They want to experience a sexual moment to find out what it feels like.
3. They want to know what it's like to grow inside of Mother.
4. They want to know what it feels like to be born.
5. They want to know what it was like to be held by their parents.

The sexual displays were designed to create more fetuses who will abduct more people whose consciences were bothering them about aborting their own children or having ever thought about it.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 10:16 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 2 October 2005 10:33 AM CDT
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Sunday, 18 September 2005
Mood:  mischievious
A psychic fair at the Boston football stadium was jammed packed to the rafters, Wednesday evening, as psychics were lying on couches and throwing tarot cards to the winds.
Horrible predictions were on every psychic's lips as customers passed by their various booths.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 9:36 AM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 September 2005 2:55 PM CDT
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Mood:  mischievious
Horrorscope for this month: September:
You will lose weight and will find your navel touches your toes.

Posted by zine2/bxerk at 9:30 AM CDT
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