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Immortal Beloved II..."

A shortie


Spoilers for Angel to "The Girl in Question..." However everything here except the reference to the episode's enemy is my own playin' round...

Disclaimer: Everything but the 'Soames Walthrop' and I don't use it here is Joss' and ME's...

Summary: Another view of the upcoming Wednesday rendezvous...


Buffy's room in her and Dawn's apartment, Rome...

Standing over the ashes of the famed-but-rather-easily-taken-down Immortal, Angel and William glanced round the place...

A man's suit hanging...About my height Angel noted...

"She always prefers height..." he eyed William who frowned...Only two out of four, mate...If ole Red was right in tellling me about that Ford fellow...

"Snappy dresser..." Will looked over the suit and pair of Italian mens' shoes beneath it... "My Buf always did go for a sharp-dressed fella..." he grinned at Angel... "Guess she was feelin' charitable in your case, Boss..."

Glare from the Brooding One...Who reminded his new junior associate partner that he was indeed the paycheck-signing Boss...

Italian bloke, you think?...William turned serious...Probably...Angel sighed...

"Well, then...Guess that's that..." William was curt...Angel gave a rather sympathetic look...Gotta get used to this with the Buffed One, Spike...he noted...

"She keeps her eye on the future...Doesn't like to focus on the past..."

"Sure...Heck...I never expected she'd be waiting in mourning for me...Would've been nice to see her again, though..." Will sighed... "Not that I'd've held her to what she said, of course..."

Would've been...Angel nodded...Eyeing the downcast William...

"You know...She is gonna be dust while you're still footloose and fancy-free..."



"I would've gladly dusted or flamed out with her the day she went...But like I say, I never expected..."

Sure...Angel nodded..."Well, I guess we'd better call our host...And tell him 'Mission Accomplished'..." he pulled out a cell phone and punched...

The door to the hotel hallway opened immediately...Andrew and three Slayers...

"Gentlemen, I have returned with reinforcements as promised...Help is..."

Got 'im, Andrew...William noted...


"Nice job, boys...Angel...I shall inform Mr. Giles you performed as according to our organization's high standards and recommend we review the possibility of renewed contact..."

Thanks...Angel noted drily... "Just tell Giles I haven't joined Evil's ranks...And to be a little more polite next time I ask for help for an innocent friend..."

Yeah...Sorry about Ms. Burkle...Andrew nodded...

"So...Shall I escort you to your rooms?...Buffy and Dawn should be back tomorrow..."

They'll want to thank you in person, I'm sure...he beamed...

Angel looked at Will...William at Angel...

Nah...They answered... "I guess we'll be headed back..." Angel replied...Andrew staring...But...

"Tell Buf I wish her and whoever the best..." Will called as they headed out...

"But fellas..." Andrew called after them...But they were gone in an instant...


"Of course..." Angel noted as they sat on the plane for LA... "I was her first..."

A girl always remembers her first...

"Too bad you don't..." William smirked... "...'Less of course you retain more of Angelus than you generally care to admit..."

"Besides..." he grinned... "I was the one in her knickers the longest...Even outdid ole Finn...Endurance, young Christ...That's the ticket...Why we must've rocked the universe, oh...About a hundred times..."

"With a lil' squirt like you, it would take a hundred times for her to remember you..."

"Need I remind you...I died for her...Voluntarily...She did not have to shove me into Hell..."

"She dreamed of marrying me..."

"Loved her soullessly...And regained my soul for her...Again, voluntarily...Top that, mate..."

"I was her first..." Angel, with an air of settling the matter...

"She saved the best for last..." Will replied...

Well...he sighed...Guess not the last...

Hmmn...Angel eyed him...Down in the dumps again...

"You know, Will...She is not the brightest girl in the world...Not exactly a culture fan...And rather high maintenance...Not to mention...A bit on the short side..."

And frankly...She's never exactly tried to help either of us overcome our darker natures...Beyond when she needs us to fight...

Will stared at him...

"I'm just sayin'...She's not the only girl in the world..."

"Sure...Thanks..." Will smiled...

"But she is the only Buffy..."

Yeah...Angel sighed...She is that...


"I don't understand..." Buffy stared at Andrew... "They killed the Immortal and then just left...William didn't even leave a message?...Why?..." Andrew shrugged...

She turned to the man beside her... "Dad, I hafta to make a trip to LA...Pronto..."

Hank Summers frowned a bit...

The guy I tole you about...she grinned sheepishly...Say...

"Here's your suit...Came back while we were away..."
