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"Immortal Beloved XVII..."

A shortie...


Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!

It's all yours and ME's

Spoilers for Angel to this week...Flee at once!...

Summary: Ok, another one...Swear it's the last in the series...Can't resist it...Aftermath of "Girl In Question..."


LA...The universe of the IB where Buf had the big party when Will showed and married him...Twenty years later...

A frowning forty-something Buffy eyes her unconscious identical twin...Fresh from an alternate universe...

"Will..." she turns to her husband now entering the house from the front door...With a small copy of Buffy riding on top of his head...Mooma!...Lil' Buf screams...She quickly locks eyes with the hubs, indicating the unconscious woman...

Oh, Lord...Not another one...he sighs within...Hmmn...He nods to his wife, quickly rushing their little one to the playroom, explaining that the latest 'visiting Aunt Buffy' is just resting a bit after her long voyage to see them...

Hmmn...He thinks as he finishes settling Buffy Jr. with her older siblings-Will Jr, Philip (after Will Sr's brother, Amelia, (after his dear sister)) and heads back...Best to do Willow's quick dimensional scan on the Missus before sending this one back...One never knows when one of these ladies might catch her guard down...Hate to find I've sent my own wife off to another world...

"So...Another one?..." he eyes his beloved wife...Yeah, she nods...

"Nearly caught me going out the door...Then pretended she just wanted to meet me...Usual story...Some phony crisis in her world...But she just wanted to take my place...Bitch..."

Buf?...A little compassion...he chides her...Poor thing must have been desperately unhappy in her world to try this...

"So...Why didn't she take you when she had the chance?...I did...And she came to steal my happiness...Can I help it if some of my interdimensional sisters have shit for brains when it comes to romance?..."

Well...he eyes the unconscious Buf...A tad more worn about the eyes, maybe a hair heavier but nearly impossible...For anyone but him...To tell...

"Of course none of them has been as bad as that one who'd married Angel..." she noted... "God, what a frustrated psycho...I tell you, honey, we've got to get Willow to get our world blocked off..."

"Difficult, sweet...She told you...And we might need the help of some of your copies one day...Most of them are nice, after all..."

"Well the human-souled robot sis was nice...But say..." she paused... "You aren't really gonna go to Hell to help her find her William...She was an idiot to let him go like that, whether or not he wanted to confirm his soul's return..."

"Buf...A brother in distress...And he must love you...Her...Very much to do it..."

"Eh...God...He must have the soul to love like that...She ought to have known that and kept him safe at home..." Like I'm gonna do you, believe me darling...she did not say...

He shrugged...We'll see... "Anyway, we'd better get our guest to Willow and have her reopen the return portal..."

And dump the pathetic bitch back in her own bed...To lie in it...Buffy thought...Glaring at the twin who would have stolen her joy...

"Ok, then...But first...Sweet...If you wouldn't mind..."

What?...she blinked...As he raised Willow's scanning orb...Just hafta be certain...he sheepishly explained...

Aw, c'mon...she frowned... "Ya know it's me..."


"Oh, all right..."


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or, for further adventures of the married Walthrops, try "Life With Mother and Father"
in the Cicelyverse...