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"Immortal Beloved XIV..."

A shortie...


Disclaimer: No, Joss, no...I make no claims, put that thing down!

It's all yours and ME's

Spoilers for Angel to this week...Flee at once!...

Summary: Ok, another one...Can't resist it...


LA...Hallway outside Angel's office at the Wolfram-Hart tower...

The day after the Rome debacle...

"Spike!..." Harmony calls to him as he passes... "There's an express mail letter for you...From Ro..." he grabs it from her...

Angel nonchalantly rushing over, casually knocking three staffers into the wall as he hurries past...

"Is it...From?..."

Yeah...William nods, engaged in reading a letter...A smile breaking out...

"Well?...Spike?..." Angel moves to read...

Hey...Will grabs the letter and steps back... "Some things are personal, you know..."

Grr...Angel frowns a moment, briefly assuming killer pose...Then sighs...

Well...It is personal...

"Well...Does she say anything about The Immortal?...What's up with him?..."

Another smile...Will turns the envelope upside down and a pile of dust spills out...

Our Girl...the boys beam...
