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MuH BloG
Thursday, 14 April 2005
<3My night with Christopher<3
Mood:  crushed out
Now Playing: 1 2 step
Last night was GrEaT!! I went and saw my baby Chris:) He made me a copy of his CD with his picture on it. He's so freakin cute! It was just me and him the whole night, and he was the old Chris again. But I also made him jealous. I told him about Parrish and all the other guys that have been hitting on me lately. I don't know why but I try so hard to make him jealous, and I get so jealous with him...I've never been that type of girl. But I've also never felt this way about a guy before. Then when I left Chris' house. I called Parrish. We made plans to hang out tonight :) and I told him about Chris...kind of anyways...(here goes the convo in story
"What are you doing"
"I'm on my way home from Melbourne"
"Oh, were you with your boyfriend."
"Did you leave him?"
"Well, we were never really together, we just hung out a lot."
That's like telling him right? hehe. Playa Playa.

Oh I forgot to tell you what Chris told me also...This made me fall in love with him all over again. Him Rob and Kelsey(Rob's little slut girlfriend) were all laying in bed. Rob's like dude we can both F*** right now, You in? And Chris was like yeah dude I'm in. (when he said that I was like what the freak are thinking and I got really mad and he's like baby, just listen) He said that Kelsey was butt ass naked with Rob on one side and Chris on the other and Chris just got up and was like no, I can't do this bro. But I started to get kind of mad that he even siad yes and he was like i just wanted to see if she would and i was like i swear to god if you ever freakin and he stopped me in the middle of my sentance and was like babe, i didnt have tell you. I'm like yeah that's true but if you ever did sleep with anyone else i hope that you would tell me b/c i would rather know than not know and get the funk or something. I'm still scared that maybe he did do something with her and she had sores all over her lips. how freaking gross. she seems so sweet, but she also seems like a little slut. 16 years old and doing what she's sad. well your prolly sick of .:buh*bye:. 4now. <3*BrOoKe*

P.S. wish me luck with Parrish:)

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 10:51 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 April 2005

Mood:  crushed out
Last night Me, Jenna, and Megan all hung out. We went and saw Sammy since he just got out of jail. Then we went to go see Josh before he goes to jail. We went up to the pool hall for a little bit too see Parrish.. I think he really likes me but i dunno. On my way home last night I called him up at the bar and he was like what are you doing? Blah blah blah..But he ended up asking me if I wanted to go do something. Too bad I had to decline b/c of work. But he seems so sweet. As for Chris, I haven't talked to him in a couple of days. I hope he is okay..I wish I knew what was going through his mind. and I really wish I knew if he really loved me or what...but i think i already know the answer to that. Sammy said he wahst to beat Chris up. I'm glad Samuel is out of jail...I missed my baby. He's like my brother and my best friend. Well Back to Work...Actually I'm looking for a house to buy..but my boss doesn't have to know that..hehe* TaTA for NoW! <3*BrOoKe*

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 11:18 AM EDT
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Sunday, 10 April 2005

Mood:  happy
Today started out bad but turned good. Me and Chris were fighting and theh i went to Melbourne by myself and we got some alone time together and talked about everything. It was great. I miss being with just him. Rob Quan or Cynthia is always there. When I left there I had to go pick up Kirstin and Justin from BRADS house! I had to talk to him and everything! he gave me directions. I wanted Chris to go with me to pick them up b/c I didn't want to see Brad alone..(brad is my EX) But oh well.. it wasnt that bad.

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 12:01 AM EDT
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Saturday, 9 April 2005

Mood:  a-ok
Well, Chris made me mad agin I drove all the way to see him and Chaz was freakin there! So, I turned around and left. After telling him how mad I was of course :). So then me Cynthia and Quan went to the poolhall, and Parrish tried to hook up with me:) I used to like him before he moved back to England, but now he is back and showing intrest in me. But Chris is in the way, hehe. I love that boy to much but I can still go hang with Parrish. You know, keep my options open:) He seems like a great guy and he's fun to hang out with, and we would actually go out and do things. Not like with Chris, we just sit at Chaz's house. But only when she's not home. lol. But it kind of sucks b/c I am so in love with Chris. How can I leave him for Parrish?! Oh well, I will figure something out..RiGhT?

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 12:01 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 April 2005
A night out with Jenna
Mood:  happy
Tonight was like the best night in the world. I hung out with my baby, and we got along perfect:) and Then I hung out with my bestest friend, Jenna. Me and Jenna went to the poolhall, sat up there with Kash and Ciara, and then we went to Cozy Cove bar and hung out with Victor and Kevin and some HOTT guy that they were with. Then Victor gave me Lexy's # and I got to talk muh baby girl. I missed her so much! And we made plans to go out to lunch tomorrow. But anyways...after Cozy Cove we went back up to the poolhall. Sat up there for a little bit..Jenna saw Joel and gave him her number. (Right after she talked to Jenna's a PiMp, like me..hehe. But then 2 guys started fighting right next to me and Jenna, and I thought we were going to get hit..but Scott and Ken took the one guy outside. Then the Po Po came so we decided to go hit up a party that Josh was at. We get there at like 1:30 in the morning and thats what time i started drinking. lol. Me and Jenna were the only girls there for a while. Then Rambo's sister came. We stayed out there until like 5:00, then we went back to Josh's house and stayed the night. It felt like old times to go out and party all night with my Yenna, but now I'm just stuck up Chris's ass..hehe* oh well:)

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 12:01 AM EDT
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Thursday, 7 April 2005
Guys are jerks!!!
Mood:  don't ask
Last night was the worst night ever! I freakin told Chris that I didn't want to go to his house if Chaz was going to be there, but of course I gave in so Megan could get her CD. But Chaz was being a B****, but what else is new?! Megan cracked me up though even in my worst mood. Megan's like lets jump on her, I'll pretend she's a trampoline, I always wanted I guess you would have to see Chaz to think that's funny:) She's like 400 pounds. She's a FAT UGLY WITCH! Then Cynthia's telling me to fight for my man, go in there and get him, but I'm scared that he might choose money over love:( Me being love and Chaz being money. I guess Christopher doesn't understand that I'm not going to let him starve or anything if he leaves her, I'm just not going to make it easy like she does. I want him to do things for himself. Maybe I'm wrong and Chaz is right but I don't think everything should just be handed to somebody, I think that they should have to work for it. The only reason Chaz gives him all of her money is because she knows that he would leave her if she didn't. But it aggrivates me b/c I see how smooth he is with her maybe I'm blinded too. Maybe I am being used also and not even realizing it. It just sucks b/c I love Chris with all my heart and I have never been so comfortable with a guy before. I've known Chris for like 2 months now. I dated Jesse for a year, I'm more comfortable with Chris. How is that? Even little things, like I never did anything with Jesse, but Chris it's like he's different. I waited 2 years to sleep with somebody, i tried to be a born again virgin, and I dated Jesse during that time and had plenty of chances to sleep with him and other people, but I wasn't ready. And then I meet Chris, hang out with him and then 2 years of waiting down the drain...but i dont regret it at all...not yet anyways. Well we will see how things end up in my crazy ass life.

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 12:01 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 April 2005

Mood:  not sure
Another WONDERFUL day at work, after only 3 hours of sleep. I have to quit giong to Melbourne every night to see MuH BaBy! But I guess last night for a good reason, Meg got to record her first song with Chris and Rob. I really hope that she gets heard and maybe makes it big, she has the looks and DEFINATELY the talent. I'm just glad I could help her out a little bit. As for Christopher, I'm so proud of him, he is finally doing what he loves and he's being real about it. When I first met him he told me how he wanted to get his own studio and finish his album. Look at him now, he has the studio and he's almost finished with his album. He's really doing good for himself. Well I better get back to work. *BuH~bYe* (for now) Ü

Posted by zine2/brooke710 at 9:33 AM EDT
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