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Deconstructing Jackie
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Happy birthday to all you Cancers... who tell me off one day and cry about it the next (a la Jasmin).

As requested, I am once again sitting in front of my PC cursing, trying to upload pictures from the recent crazy-Cancer birthday parties. It is amazing how much I have forgotten since doing this in January. To all you graphic/web designers out there, I give you much respect. Anyway, you will find added galleries of pics from Alto, Colin's art show, Francesca's bday at Apothecary, and Laurie's bday at Sandy's very wicked place. If you are less than satisfied with the way you look in the pics, don't blame me. Blame yo mama. It's alright though, you can always make it up by looking like the supermodel that you are at Jasmin's party this Thursday. I'll upload those pics too.

The Johnny Knoxville replacement, inspired by Joyce and Sabrina's computer background at the Incubator, is...

After hours of deliberation with the girls, we have settled on Gael Garcia Bernal (even though I contend that he is too short). For those of you who don't know, go and rent Y Tu Mama Tambien with that special someone. You'll thank me for it later. It's more effective than oysters, Sade records and candlelight combined. On other note, it's too bad I couldn't get a picture of hot Jesus for "the disciples". By the way Jamie, that is arguably the most funny, witty and balls on remark I have heard to date. Where do I sign up for the pin?