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Blurred Reality

Welcome to....

Welcome to Blurred Reality! I webzine just for Teens! That's right! For teens by teens! Basically I (Kelsey) have always wanted to write. Ever since grade 4 when I made my galpals help me start a school newspaper. Anyways this year is our first year in high school! Grade 10. I had signed up to do teen writing for the local paper but THEY DIDN'T EVEN CALL ME BACK! I dunno call me spiteful but I decided we should make a webzine! after all we're smart, insightful girls aren't we?

So here you have it! Blurred Reality! Our life such as it is! Our thoughts or Rants! EVERYTHING! Anyways the site is just starting so bare with us!

Profiles ||| Writing ||| Tributes ||| DemiGoddess Quiz ||| Other Stuff