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The Blue Factor MK2

Orignal Plea Letter By "Lurk" (from when he was prosacuted)
Me be me
So it was like this...
So they call me...

Greatings fuckers. Guess whos back, back again, Blue Factors back, tell your friends. Curently we are epnding on getting the old graphics back. So why were we gone so long? The American creator of The Blue Factor (we'll refer to him as Lurk to avoid further trial) "Lurk" had his 1st amendment rights violated!!! During Lurk's 8th grade year at Franklin Middle School in the ever friendly town of Cedar Rapids Iowa his school counsler asked what he had done over break. He showed them the graphics to the orignal Blue Factor beleving his 1st amendment ights would protect his wrightings along with Motorbreath's and Pepricka's work. The work was reviewed by school oficals who then had him araned and put in a phyc ward. After 7 days of not hearing from Lurk, Motorbreath finally found out what was going on. B. J. (most of Lurk's wrightings were about him) was making false clames of violence that went on the record, but when he later told he was telling lies the princapal ignored the facts. When Motorbreath began spreading the truth he was asked to the office and as he said "I was 'strongly advised' that i should stop intimadating Legos or i would meet the same fate as Lurk". Motorbreath beleves that in a school filled with preps there was no room for Lurk the lower calss person with a great mind and so his own works were used in a un-fair trial to prosacute him with no defence. Despite many atempts Motorbreath was never prosacuted. Motorbeath and Lurk are curently preparing to take legal action to stop the socites that want to prosacute there butifull minds.So The Blue Factor is back, were curently building it but please contact us using the link below to tell us your storie. Many thanks God Bless- John A. of The Blue Factor staff.
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