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From the outset, one of our desires in creating this zine was to present a strong editorial stance. Many radical fanzines are a collection of articles with no editorial policy, which often leads to the airing of seemingly random viewpoints. Lost is a unifying theme among the articles presented, and an analysis of the articles themselves (if not written by the editor[s]) and how they relate to one another. This is not, however, meant to discredit the endeavors of other zine editors. Most independent publications deserve recognition for the time, effort, and money put into them, as well as for the relevance certain articles contained within may hold to some readers. Our intent in doing this zine, however, is to contribute to the development of practical revolutionary theory.

Some may wonder from where the title "Black Star North" is derived. "Black Star North" is named after Red Star North, a leftist bookstore which existed in Portland during the early 1970s. Among those who ran Red Star North, was Ray Luc Levasseur, a political prisoner who today sits in jail for his involvement in various clandestine guerrilla actions.* We decided on the name "Black Star North" because we liked how it sounded.

Since publishing our first issue, the editors of the newspaper Claustrophobia (based in Baltimore) have expressed interest in writing an analysis of the recent Cincinnati riots for issue #3 of Black Star North. The Claustrophobia folks also publish books under the name SexPol Editions. They recently published the novel The East Is Black by Len Bracken; an excellent book descriptively detailing the tension between desire and ideology. It is highly recommended. They also plan to publish a book by anarchist prisoner, Shaka N’Zinga. Until then they have available in pamphlet form "a disjointed search for the will to live", one of the chapters from the forthcoming book. Claustrophobia / SexPol Editions may be reached through the address listed in our "contacts" section.

We at Black Star North have also reprinted, in pamphlet form, the essay "Fighting For A Better World, Fighting For A Peaceful Life, Fighting To End All Forms Of Oppression" by anarchist prisoner Ali Khalid Abdullah. Ali is correct when he writes in this essay, "We have not won any victories." Despite the many reforms "won" over the years by liberals and other partisans of social democracy, the Earth today is in worse shape than at any other point in history. Many are beginning to realize that these reforms were in many cases nothing more than capitalism’s recuperation of actual revolutionary social movements. In this way, capital and the state were able (and continue to be able) to absorb its opposition while continuing its death march of exploitation and control.

Confronted with the prospect of ecological meltdown and the eclipse of humanity by the progress of computer technology and genetic engineering, we are forced to ask ourselves--- are we serious? Do we really want to destroy this society, or are we content confined to the comfortable ghettos of anarchism and activism? Do we want social revolution, or merely another exclusive sub-culture? Do we want a world radically different from the one we are forced to inhabit, or are we content with slight changes to the character of this society? If we are serious we must not shy away from forming a full analysis based in knowledge of history, theory, and our own experiences. We must apply this knowledge in our daily struggles against capital and the state. Without a theoretical understanding, we are left acting blindly, while simultaneously neglecting to analyze (without rhetoric) the weaknesses and pitfalls of our current revolutionary projects. This zine is one attempt to develop this understanding. We look forward to your correspondence and hope to establish a network of similarly minded individuals and collectives.

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*Ray may be contacted via Ray Luc Levasseaur / #10376-016 / United States Penitentiary / Box PMB / 601 McDonough BLVD., S.E. / Atlanta, Georgia 30315