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“The Collector Game” - If you are a “collector” of whatever or you are a lover of “board games” then you will love this game. “The Collector Game” is simple fast paced fun “new board game”. Go around the board and collect cash and collector items like Art, Antiques, Cars, Coins,Stamps,and Sports Items. Collect all six collector items to finish the game. Whoever finishes the game first doesn't mean they are the winner. The player that has the most value of “collector” cards and cash combined wins the game. Sounds simple? Well you will be surprised.   Board game nights are back. Turn off the Blackberry, the iPhone, or the P.C., plug in the popcorn popper, gather the kids or your friends and sit down to a night of The Collector Game. Created by Bill Greco, The Collector Game board game is simple, fast-paced, and packed with fun. Pick one of the brightly-colored game tokens and scoot your way around the board to collect items from all six collector categories: Antiques, Art, Cars, Coins, Sports Items, and Stamps. But don't be fooled--it's the money not the memorabilia that matters. After the game ends cash out to find out who is the super collector! With the growing popularity of collector, antique, and storage unit shows, everyone is dreaming of finding that one-in-a-million collector opportunity. Whether it's stamps, baseball cards, or Model-Ts, we all have something we love to look for at garage sales, swap meets, and road shows. Share this collecting craze with your friends and family over this great game. Made with Xara
Great For The Whole Family You and your family will enjoy hours of fun with this new board game. Ages for playing is 8 and up. Get it for a gift or just for a game night out!!