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This is a work of fan fiction, written by Rochelle Theresa Brown for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit. All characters are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions
This story is under copyright.

WARNING! This is one of my tongue-in-cheek stories!

JUST DESSERTS: A Double Drabble

Josie slipped into the kitchen at CARLINO'S.

"This," she thought, "will be one of the greatest pranks of all time."

Just as Josie was finishing, Paulina walked in. She immediately called Joe, who came right over.

"It was only a joke," Josie, alone in the kitchen with Joe, defended herself.

"No, Josie," Joe scolded, "jokes are funny. Putting shaving cream in the tortoni was not funny. People could have gotten sick."

"I didn't think of that," Josie admitted.

"Well," Joe said, "this has nothing to do with your police work, so I can't suspend you, and I can't put you on desk duty. But, for your own good, (Josie, having heard Joe use that expression more than once in the past, groaned inwardly) I can't let what you did go unpunished."

"What are you going to do?" Josie asked.

"Here's a hint," Joe said. "It rhymes with prank." He took down a wooden spoon that was hanging on a nail.

An hour and a half later, Gary called Josie at the police station.

"Listen, J., how about if I fix dinner tonight?"

"That would be great," Josie said.

"What would you like?" Gary asked.

Josie answered, "Anything but rump roast."

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