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This is a work of fan fiction, written by Rochelle Theresa Brown for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit. All characters except one are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions.
This work is under copyright.


(This story originally appeared, in slightly different form, as a scene in an episode of BAY CITY FOREVER. Changes necessitated removing that scene, and re-writing it as a separate story.)

It was December, 2001. Joe and Paulina had taken Dante to see Santa Claus. Dante was sitting on Santa's lap.

"Are you going to bring me a lot of toys and stuff?" Dante asked.

"Yes," said Santa, "that's what I'm planning to do. Now, Is there something special you'd like me to add?"

"Yes," Dante said. "I was wondering if you could you put in some stuff for girls."

"I don't see why not," Santa replied.

Dante went on, "And could you give my stuff to some of the kids who lost their mommies or their daddies in September?"

Santa was surprised. "You don't want me to bring you anything this year? Not even one toy?"

Dante answered seriously, "Toys don't tuck you in at night."

Joe, Paulina, and Santa blinked back their tears.

Dedicated with love to the heroes of September 11th, 2001, and those they left behind.