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BAY CITY FOREVER, Christmas, 2002


This is a work of fan fiction, written by Rochelle Theresa Brown for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit. Characters not invented by me are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions.

This work is under copyright.

BAY CITY FOREVER is rated TV-14 for an occasional mild expletive.


This episode begins three days after EPISODE TWO.


(The scene is the squad-room of the 2-3. Joe is talking with Adams. Gary walks in.)

JOE: Hey, Gary! When did you and Cameron get back?

GARY: About half an hour ago. We finished our investigation sooner than we expected. So, is Josie around?

JOE: No, she isn't.

GARY: Then I guess she's out working on a case.

JOE: No, she's at my house.

GARY:How come?

JOE: This isn't going to be easy to tell you.

GARY: Tell me what?

ADAMS: Josie has been suspended.

GARY: She's been what?!

JOE: (sighs) It's true.I had to suspend Josie and place her under house arrest for two weeks. But it could have been worse. Internal Affairs wanted to demote her.

GARY: But why? What did she do that was so terrible?

JOE: Do you remember the fire that Grant Harrison was convicted of setting?

GARY: Sure I remember.

ADAMS: Joe found out that Grant didn't set that fire. Josie

GARY:(interrupting) You're not going to tell me that Josie set that fire, are you?

JOE: No, she didn't set the fire, but she planted the evidence that got Grant convicted.

GARY: That's not like her.

JOE: No, but I understand why she did it. It was to get even with Grant for burning my house to the ground.

ADAMS: The bottom line is, she did it because she loves you, sir.

JOE: I know. That's what made it so hard for me to punish her, but I had to, for her own good.

GARY: So when does Josie's punishment end?

JOE: In four days. (Gets a very thoughtful look on his face.) Look, I've got to make a phone call. Do me a favor, Gary, and don't go anywhere.

GARY: You've got it.


(The scene shifts to the living room of the Carlino home. Dante and Ryan Gabriel are on the floor, looking at a picture book. Dante is pointing things out to Ryan Gabriel. They are having a good time. Paulina is talking on the phone.)

PAULINA: Right now our sons are on the floor, looking at a book. (Pause) Yes, they are sweet together. (Pause) She's in the guest bedroom.(Pause) All right, I'll tell her. (Pause) I love you, too. (Hangs up, goes upstairs, knocks on guest room door. Josie opens the door.)

JOSIE: What's up?

PAULINA: Joe just called. He wants you to get down to the 2-3 right away.

JOSIE:(surprised) Did he say why?

PAULINA: No, he just said it was important.

JOSIE: Could Internal Affairs have decided to punish me after all?

PAULINA: I don't think so. Joe didn't sound upset, or worried.

JOSIE: Please call him back, and tell him I'm on my way.




(The scene shifts to the squad room of the 2-3. Josie walks in.)

JOSIE: Hey, Adams! Joe called and said I should get down here. Do you know what's going on?

ADAMS: Joe said to tell you to go right to his office.

JOSIE: I'm not in any more trouble, am I?

ADAMS: Well, there's just one way to find out.

(Josie goes to the door of Joe's office and knocks. Joe opens the door.)
JOSIE: I got here as soon as I (breaks off, shrieks) GARY!!! You got back early! (Runs to Gary; for the next few seconds, the two of them are wrapped up in each other.)

GARY: Cameron and I wrapped things up sooner than we expected. He went right home to Amanda and Alli, and I can't say that I blame him.

JOSIE: (face falling) But I can't go home with you. I'm (looks at floor) I'm grounded at Joe's house.

JOE: Not any more, you're not.

JOSIE: Really?

JOE: That's right. I'm lifting the remaining four days of your house arrest. Call it time off for good behavior. But you still have to serve the rest of your suspension. Now, suppose you two go home and spend the time together. (Josie throws her arms around Joe's neck and kisses him.)


(The scene shifts to the living room of the Carlino home. There is a Christmas tree with a crib scene under it. Joe, Paulina, Ryan Gabriel (on Paulina's lap), Dante, and Remy are on the couch.

JOE: I wonder why we haven't heard from Sofia.

PAULINA: So do I. She always calls at Christmas time.

JOE: I really miss her. (Doorbell chimes.) I'll get that.(Goes to door, looks out, opens door. Sofia is standing there. Joe takes her in his arms.) Bambina! We were just talking about you. Oh, how I've missed you.

(Joe and Sofia go inside.)

SOFIA: The family's grown since I left. I have a niece, and another nephew.

PAULINA: (quietly) And it's about to grow even more. I've been saving this news for a Christmas surprise.

JOE: Blue Eyes, are you telling us what I think you're telling us?
PAULINA: Yes. We're having another baby.

DANTE: HOORAY! I want lots and lots of babies in this house.

PAULINA: You are just like your Daddy.

(Joe begins singing SILENT NIGHT. Everyone joins in, including Ryan Gabriel, who is too young to carry a tune properly.)

(One scene was removed and re-written as a separate short story.)

next episode
