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This is a work of fan fiction, written by Rochelle Theresa Brown for entertainment purposes only, and not for profit.
It was inspired by, and is very loosely based on, the episode of THIRD WATCH entitled The Price Of Nobility, written by Edward Allen Bernero and Brooke Kennedy. Amy Carlson told her mother NOT to watch that episode. Characters in this story are from ANOTHER WORLD, and are the sole property of Procter and Gamble Productions.
This work is under copyright.

CAR BOMB: Version 4

Josie, more scared than she would admit, even to herself, walked up to the car in which the bomb had been planted.

"Come on, Sinclair," she said under her breath. "Don't blow this. You can handle it. Just remember all the dangerous situations you've been in in the past. This is nothing. And think how proud of you everyone will be."

Josie had been sure that her training at Quantico would stand her in good stead now, but it didn't. She froze. She completely froze. She couldn't move; she couldn't speak. To say that she had panicked would be an understatement.

Joe saw that he'd have to be the one to handle this situation. He ran up to the car, picked Josie up, slung her over his shoulder, and carried her away. He spoke no word of reproach, and yet Josie felt completely, totally humiliated. She had set out to prove something, perhaps more to herself than to anyone else, and she had failed.

After Joe had carried Josie a safe distance, he set her on her feet. They stood looking at each other. Josie couldn't say a word. Joe took her in his arms, and stroked her hair.

"It's all right," Joe said, reassuringly. "Let's just go back to the 2-3, and forget what just happened."

"I can't," Josie said, running back before Joe could stop her.

This time, she found the bomb, and diffused it. Anyone watching would have thought that Josie had done nothing else in her life but find and diffuse bombs.

Josie knew that she had wiped out the failure of a few minutes ago.

That night, in bed with Gary, Josie recounted the events of the day.

"Who knows?" Gary mused. "This could be the beginning of a whole new career for you."

"Absolutely not," Josie said firmly. "I'm sticking to police work, because if there's one thing I learned today, it's that acting isn't for me."