Sentimental Journeys: Ian McDuff's BBS RPS Page

Journey's End - For the First Series....

Welcome to Sentimental Journeys, a Boyband Slash (BBS) / Real Person Slash (RPS) site that is the secret vice of an otherwise respectable academic and writer.

Slash, of course, is that particular brand of fanfic that posits same-sex relationships between its characters. RPS - Real Person Slash - has as its characters the (usually manufactured and merchandised, unreal) public personae of, well, real people (you guessed).

For that reason, if you are underage under your local law, have moral qualms about same-sex relationships, or mistakenly thought you'd found a wholesome boyband fan site, scram. Git. Vamoose. Aroint thee. Beat it. Alternatively, if you want to write and complain about how RPS is immoral, illicit, unethical, and fattening, go ahead ... bearing in mind that my advanced degrees include law and philosophy (with ethics and logic both standard on this model).

The rest of you, come on in. Don't expect a lot of bells and whistles and fancy schmancy HTML: I'm a writer (and a danged serious one, in my 'real' life), not a web designer, and you should be here for the fic, not to see what I can do with GIFs of the Maryland State Flag or animations of Lance Bass's booty dance, okay?

The Fandom Directory.  Let Your Fingers Do the Walk O’ Life.

Lordy. I Feel Like Wesley Clark. Except, You Know, Not An Opportunistic Careerist With No Principles and Three Positions On Every Issue.

It’s An Honor Simply To Be Nominated By the Academy – In An Alternate Universe, At That….

And a Still Greater Honor To Have Won…

… Especially When You GO!  LOOK! At Who Else I Was Up Against.  Blush.

Overwhelmed.  Just Plain … Wow.  Thank You.

If Nominated, I Sure As Hell Will Run, If Elected, Damn Right I Will Serve. (Sherman Has Never Been A Hero Of Mine, Anyway.)

The JC / Lance Writers's Guild.  Go.  Now.  Be Astonished.

(Yes, I'm a proud guild member. Go see why.)

Meet the Requirements? Pick a Portal, Then:

NEW! The Slash Challenges Page! Play or Be a Happy Spectator!

Sentimental Journey: The First, Canonical Series, to Date

Slash 101 (The Thirty-Nine Articles): My Rants and Tips, As Posted at CABS

Scenes From a Possible Future (More Canon)

Not Quite Canon... (But the Pairings Are Familiar)

Comparative Religion: Jackie's The Undiscovered Country and my sequel, Woods and Pastures New (Both Basez)

Wholly Uncanonical: One-Offs with Wild Pairings (SweetBone, E.G.) and Snarky Photoparodic Shtick

Darter: The Nick/Howie Fanlisting.  One-Stop Shopping for Carter-Dorough Goodness.

Would You Believe It? The Uncanonical Short Actually Won an Award:

Egads!  An Award: and For a Non-Canonical Work at That!  I'd Like to Thank the Academy....

Feel free to swing by my Live Journal:

Just What You Need: All Ian All the Time. Guh.

And yet more places you simply must go:

Karen's and LB's Wondrous New Basez Site, Forever Young


Arsenic Jade: 'N Sync Fanfiction

and also

Harley's Precious, Non-Illusory, Anything-But-Lame 'N Slash Page, Precious Illusions

Oh, and check out

The Summer of Crossover Love Project.  Don't Worry, Mine're Darter/Basez/Timberlean/Timmonslake


The Elegant and Soignee Gabriella, Mine Longtime Story Hostess.  Brilliant.

The Guildmistress.  ('Guildmistress?  What Is This, a Game of Patrician II?')

La Boheme.  We Are Polar Opposites ... and United When It Comes to Basez.  Love Her to Death....

A Jumping-Off Point for the Best in Literate SweetKaos Lovin'....

Gretchen's Work.  Like Guinness, It's Good for You....

More Backstreet Slash, From the Endless Talespinning of Shirisade.  (Ooh.  Arabian Nights.  Howie in Harem Pants.  Mmmmm....)

Superbly Written Basez Lovin' by Katie ... Who Updates as Infrequently As I Do, Bless Her!

Slashin' Howie - the Howie slash clique

The Two of Us: THE Lance / JC Archive.  Go.  Bask.  Revel

Basez.  Your Slash Fan Guide & Listing.  It’s the Yellow Pages, Except Slashier


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OHHHH ... and one last thing. Plagiarism. Don't:

This is a Small, Tight-Knit Community.  We WILL Spot Theft.  We WILL Find You and Make You Wish You Hadn't....