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Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 240 pounds
From: Dudleyville
Favorite Quote: "Testify!"
Career Highlights: WWE Tag Team Champion (6); WCW Tag Team Champion; ECW Tag Team Champion (8)

Introducing Mr. McMahon's spiritual advisor -- D-Von!

After the brand extension broke apart the Dudley Boyz, an angered D-Von stormed into Mr. McMahon's office and asked for an explanation. Mr. McMahon told him that D-Von was the better of the duo, and that he needed to find himself so he could become a player in the singles division. 

A week later, "D-Von: Spiritual Advisor" was born! He's here to love the good and destroy the bad, and donations help. Currently collecting for the Building Fund, Reverend D-Von is spreading his good word from arena to arena, but make sure you keep your hands off the collection plate!