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Good VS Evil

From Empyrean to Martyrdom: the Lines of Parallel Proportions
||| Charlie ||| Bushy |||
"You have to have a real love in your heart to do this for people" -Susan Atkins, Manson family member, telling prison in-mate why she stabbed Sharon Tate

"It's amazing I won. I was running against peace, prosperity and incumbnency" -"Pres" Bush speaking to Swedish Prime Minister Goran Perrson, unaware that a live television camera was still rolling

Reasons Supporting the Truth and Faulty Nature of a Depraved American Morale

Conspiracy Planet

Evil Bush

A truist by nature, a divine asshole of heros

It's sick, It's wrong, and I love it!

Guns Dont Kill People, Bush Kills People

Nick Berg Beheaded by AMERICANS in Abu Ghraib

  • * Islams say Zarquari is not speaking in true Iraqui or Jordanian accent in beheading video

  • **Al Zarquarwi was thought to have been murdered some time ago during an attack from US bombs

  • **If Zarquarwi is alive, he had his leg amputated and a prosthetic to replace it. The masked executor walks perfectly fine in the video

  • **The member of the terrorist group standing to the far left is standing in "parade" stance- a position only taught to American soldiers and a common reflex among American soldiers

  • **During the video as Berg is being executed, the time reads 1:47 in American military time, but before he is executed the time reads past 2:00 and Berg is still alive with is head in tact

  • ** Berg was placed on the Americans list of people with possible ties to the 9-11 terrorist attacks and Al Quada- he was unlawfuly detained by American soldiers for 13days before being released. Only until his parents filed lawsuite with a Philadelphia attorney did Americans release Berg

  • **One day after Berg is released, he ends up in the hands of Al Quada- still in his American prison orange jumpsuite

  • **Americans claimed they offered Berg a ticket out of Iraq and he refused, yet in a letter sent to Berg's parents only days before being detained, he expresses his wish to get out of Iraq as soon as possible

  • **The masked man in black who murdered Berg is suddenly the man in the white mask as he holds Bergs head in the air after execution

  • **The execution takes place immediately afte the controversy surrounding American's abuse of Iraqi detainees is exposed. American media exploits to death the execution as means for propoganda to reinstill American's faith in the war and in attempts to anger US citizens in regards to Al Quada and terrorism

  • **Berg's parents beleive Berg was murdered in early to mid April- 2 weeks before the Abu Ghraib abuse scandal is even exposed. In the televised execution the murderers claim the execution is a retaliation agains the abuse of those same detainees

  • **Berg is shown sitting in a plastic white chair against a yellow wall, the exact same chair and wall that are documented in the Abu Ghraib prison (see picture above)


  • Murder and Mayhem: Killer Message Board

    Murder and Mayhem: Killer Message Board

    Bowls of Word Salad: A Friendly Interjection

    WARNING: Do not look directly into the light or it will suck you in like a flea. We're dealing with big ugly powerful forces here, pal, so don't go trying that macho man stuff. Put your super-block-em sunglasses on and keep your eyes on the accountant.
    Can you help me? My problem lies in that I cannot. My life, emotions and actions- a mad swinging pendulum of unexpectedness and questionable validity. Something must be wrong, very wrong- or quite possibly a gift given in disguise. For whatever purposes these senses of which have been imposed upon me by whatever supernatural being of grandeur are intended to represent, quite possibly no one will ever know. My problem exists in the most powerful of granted propensities, in the holy sanction and one place in guarantee of absolute safe harbor, my mind. I think I have lost it. It is my belief that it has slowly been seeping from my head since the age of birth, and there will come a time when I must stop its loss prior to when a black plague lashes, consuming my inner being, insanity of all things. This tidbit of knowledge comes from my knowing I am but a mere stranger to all that onsets life, reality. My paradigm of such has always been to the left, the far far back left that embodies the cellar door leading to the dark shadows, cob webs and ghouls that those of sound mind dare not venture. This I find a problem. The problem I find is based within the confines of my reason to ration this truth. Too little are tangled in the middle of such weavings, imposed upon the knowledge that you are but a stranger to your own mind. Do I even want out? Rhetorical I am not, sadly I must say.
    Thoughts for today
    "Mr. and Mrs. America- you are wrong. I am not the King of the Jews nor am I a hippie cult leader. I am what you have made of me and the mad dog devil killer fiend leper is a reflection of your society...Whatever the outcome of this madness that you call a fair trial or Christian justice, you can know this: In my mind's eye my thoughts light fires in your Cities" Dear Friend: I'm sick of you, you little shit always telling me what to do. Why is it that you, with in regards to all that is scrutinized to the world, are so god damn stupid? You need, and I say with all sincerity and diplomacy to your nominal existence, to confine yourself in a box with lock and swallowed key. But of course, upon the event of there being a natural disaster of epidemic proportions occurrs rampaging amuck down yonder your front yard; then this I say with true veracity and impartiality, you have my god given permission to grace this world with your obliged presence. Sincerely, your loving of neighbors and kindred soul

    I Loveth Thine Site | L is for Link | Dare Shall You? Dareth you Shall Not |

  • Fun for the Fam

    you may just find who you've been looking for
    beans, rice and Jesus Christ
    lick your fingers good

    "Well I'll pass the bar on my way, to my dingy hotel room. I spent all my money, I've been drinkin' since a half past noon. Well I'll wait there in the mornin', or maybee in the county jail. Times are hard, gettin harder. I'm born to lose, and destined to fail."

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