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Back Roads

Back Roads is a weekly column written by Daniel Bruce of the Middlesboro Kentucky Daily News. He is also a former employee of the Harlan Daily Enterprise.
Daniel Bruce is a Harlan, Kentucky native.
"I believe in the popular concept of 'conservative' values in both social, religious and the political realm. While I do tow a decidedly 'right-wing' line, I consider myself an open-minded, independent thinker and I value the idea of objectivity in reporting. There is a decisive line between political commentary and reporting the news as a journalist. This site is dedicated to commentary."
— Daniel Bruce

Below are various columns published by Bruce during his tenure as a journalist.The views expressed in Back Roads are that of the authors and his alone.

Updated Oct. 20, 2004

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Atrocity — The murder of Nick Berg was an atrocity in the truest sense of the word.
Culture — Changes in TV heroes prove it.
Lies — And the fat guy that tells them.
Kerry — He made a name for himself in the 1970s.
James Madison — He had interesting views on democracy (Take that Rock the Vote!)
Truth — It's out there.
The Swift Boat Veterans — Don't they have a right to speak out too?
Iraq War — Ever wonder why we invaded Iraq?
History — It's about truth baby. (Oct. 16,2004)
Voter fraud anyone? (Oct. 24)
Vote or die idiot! (Oct. 30)
Tuesday — OOOOh Tuesday, not the end of the world. (Nov. 1)
What Happened Bill? — Democrats should learn these lessons from their defeat (Nov. 6)
Saving Private Ryan — It was an important movie (Nov. 11)