Gods and Goddesses of the Realm

Avalon Links


Index of Gods and Goddesses of the Realm of Avalon

The Gods and Goddesses of the Nino Oros


Goddess of the Underworld

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Alora is five feet, four inches tall with a slim figure. She has long purple hair and green eyes. She wears a red halter top and mini skirt with red leather boots. She sits on her throne and judges the fates of those who have died. If the person has led a good life, the spirit resides eternally in Astar (the human equivalent of heaven). If the person has led a life of deceit and sin, the spirit suffers eternal pain in the Abode of Death. Alora reviews each person's life fairly and equally. She cannot be persuaded by bribery or any other means that could be used for evil purposes.


Goddess of Love and Beauty

Alignment: Good Neutral

Amorsa has long white hair and blue eyes. She wears a long white gown made of diamonds. She stands five feet and six inches tall. Like her specialty says, she is very beautiful with creamy, white skin. She has a mesmerizing quality that men find irresistible. She has a twin brother named Amros.


God of Love

Alignment: Good Neutral

Amros is the twin brother of Amorsa. Their mother is Ciela, goddess of the sky. Amros is also five foot and six inches tall. He has a very lean, muscular build. He is handsome as Amorsa is beautiful. He has short, white hair and blue eyes. He wears white silk vest, white leather pants with boots.


God of War

Alignment: Evil Chaotic

Arion is the god of war. He has short, red hair and green eyes. He is five foot, eight inches tall with a medium build. He gets easily angered. He is a pitiless, merciless god. Arion is the patron god of some fighters and warlords. He is one of Ciela's children.


Goddess of the Sky (controls all weather)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Ciela is five feet, seven inches tall with a slim build. She has chestnut hair and stone, gray eyes. She wears a black toga and sandals. She is a mean, pitiless goddess and a jealous woman. She controls all the weather and seasons. She has five children: Lyndra, Coroban, Amorsa, Amros, and Arion fathered by Terdon, Father Earth and God of the Harvest.


Goddess of the Moon

Alignment: Good Neutral

Celeste is the bride of Devon, the sun god. She was mortal. She became immortal by drinking the wine of the gods. She has long, black hair and blue eyes. She is five foot, eight inches tall and wears a silver dress and sandals made of moonbeams.


God of Mischief

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral-Evil

Coroban has black, shoulder length hair and green eyes. He has bronzed colored skin and medium build. He is six feet tall. He wears a long, black silk, robe and sandals. He likes to cause trouble and mischief wherever he goes. It doesn't matter who his victims are because he doesn't discriminate. He uses mirrors to spy and mind-magic to control his victims.


God of the Sun

Alignment: Good Neutral

Devon has long, wavy blonde hair and blue eyes. He stands six feet tall. He wears a gold sleeveless shirt and pants. Devon has two white wings growing out of his back, which helps him fly across the sky each morning. He has one sister, Serenity, Goddess of Childbirth.


God of Dreams

Alignment: Neutral

Dormin has shoulder-length, white hair and beard with blue eyes. He appears to be very old. He wears a long white robe and carries a scepter. The scepter has a crystal ball on top. A half crescent moon and star are engraved into the staff of the scepter. He controls the dreams of all mortals.


Goddess of Knowledge, Wisdom, and Justice

Alignment: Lawful-Good

Elisa has long, brown hair and gray eyes. She wears the long, blue robe of a scholar with matching slippers. She carries around all the knowledge of the world in a leather-bound book. She is the patron goddess of writers, poets, and philosophers.


Goddess of Peace


Harmony has long midnight blue hair with green eyes. She is shorter than the other deities and stands five feet tall. She wears a white short-sleeve haltar top with white mini shorts and ankle boots. On her haltar top is a picture of a white dove. She has a pet dove named Maldon.


Goddess of Nature

Alignment: Good-Neutral

Lyndra has long, brown hair with blue eyes. She is five feet, seven inches tall. She wears a long, silver gown and sandals. She is the goddess of nature and is in charge of all living things.


God/Goddess of Skills and Talents

Alignment: Neutral

Nadara has red hair and blue eyes. The deity is both male and female. There is one body and two faces. The male face has shoulder-length red hair that he keeps in a ponytail. He wears white pants and tunic made of silk. The female face has long red hair and blue eyes. She wears white pants and halter top also made of silk. This deity is in charge of skills and talents. This includes: writing, singing, dancing, candle making, carpentry, baking, etc. The deity can chose to represent any of these skills and talents in either male or female form.


Goddess of the Sea

Alignment: Neutral

Neptina stands five feet, six inches tall and is very slim. She has blue-green hair and violet eyes. She wears a sea-blue seashell bra and mini shorts when on land. In the water, she has a mermaid tail instead of legs. She is the patron goddess of sailors.


Goddess of Childbirth/Fertility

Alignment: Good Neutral

Serenity has long, white hair and green eyes. She wears a long, midnight blue gown. She helps bring children into the world. Since she is the Goddess of Childbirth, she is also the Goddess of Fertility. She has one brother, Devon, God of the Sun.


Goddess of Luck

Alignment: Neutral

Shanea has long, golden hair and blue eyes. She is five feet, four inches tall. She wears a long gold gown with a coin design. She wears gold coin earrings in her ears. She is the goddess of both good and bad luck. Shanea is the patron saint of gamblers and merchants.


God of the Earth and Harvest

Alignment: Good Neutral

Terdon is six feet tall with a heavy build. He has long, wavy, graying black hair and sea-blue eyes. He wears a long white robe and sandals. Terdon is in charge of the land and crops. He married Ciela and has five children: Lyndra, Coroban, Arion, Amorsa, and Amros.

The Dark Pantheon


Goddess of Vengence and Woe

Alignment-Choatic Evil

Mia has long, black hair,blue eyes and has pale skin. She is 5’7 in her human form. She is always dressed in black although her outfit may change from moment to moment. In deity form, where her eyes used to be is now a dark void. A black void takes the place of any heart or soul she has. Wherever she goes, a trail of negative energy follows.