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North Andover High School Chorus - 2011 Carnegie Hall Trip  (All info)

                                                                                                                                                (Photo from the 2010 Spring Concert)


The NAHS chorus has been invited to sing at Carnegie Hall as part of the 2011 National Youth Choir on April 3, 2011. This invitation was extended to NAHS chorus because of their high scoring performance at the April 2010 music competition in Philadelphia; any group who scored a gold medal rating was invited to perform at Carnegie.  There will be a public performance, families and community members can make arrangements to attend.

The senior chorus members of 2010 are invited to join in on this trip. They are invited to come back to NAHS during winter break and practice the assigned music and then can join the group at Carnegie. 

 The trip will run Friday – Monday. Students will sing in an East Coast Honors Chorus, will participate in workshops, and will work with world-famous conductors. Preliminary plans are that the trip will include a Broadway show, tour of Ellis Island, tour of the city, and students will stay in hotel in Midtown, NY. More details will be posted as they become available. 

 More details can be found at Heritage Festivals website

                                                  April Philadelphia Trip results

                                                 Scarlet & Black Singers, Silver rating, 1st place
                                                 Concert choir, Gold rating, 1st place 
                                                 For Gold rating – concert choir invited to perform in the National Youth Choir Festival at Carnegie Hall next spring
                                                 Outstanding Choral Group – Concert Choir
                                                 Choral Sweepstakes Award – highest scoring choral department
                                                 Band, Silver rating
                                                 Wind Ensemble, Silver rating, 3rd place
                                                 Festival Sweepstakes Award, highest scoring school
                                                 Maestro (individual) awards to Ben McGuire, tenor; Sally Jeffery, flute; Emily Ingram, alto


From the North Andover Citizen - Link

After Choral Director Sara Durkin was hired last year, she hit the ground running to get the large North Andover High School chorus in shape, initiating after school and night rehearsals for the first time.

“We did a lot of work focused on vocal technique,” says Durkin, a 2006 Music Education graduate of Providence College. “We set high but attainable goals and stayed focused on doing whatever we could to make sure we qualified for the Heritage Festivals Music Competition in Philadelphia.”

The work paid off big time this year, as North Andover was the top scoring school Music Department at the national festival on April 17. The chorus will perform at the National Youth Choir Festival at Carnegie Hall next spring.

The school competed at the national festival last year, and Durkin says this experience paid off.

“This year I knew more of what to expect,” says Durkin. “It’s good to be nervous because it means you care. Even though I was a little nervous I knew we would do well because we had prepared for it well.”

The ratings at the festival are strict, based on tonal quality, balance, blend, stage presence, expression, rhythmic accuracy, diction, and the quality and level of the music. It is not easy to be rated gold by the discerning festival judges. The large NAHS Concert Choir was rated gold and took First Place.

“We were the only school at the competition that got a gold medal,” says Durkin.

Orchestral groups and soloists from the school also excelled at the festival, leading to North Andover emerging as the top scoring school Music Department, winning the 2010 Festival Sweepstakes Award.

The NAHS Scarlet and Black Singers took First Place in the Silver Category. The Concert Choir took first place in the Gold Category, winning the Outstanding Choir award and the Choral Sweepstakes Award as the highest scoring choir.

The North Andover Wind Ensemble took third place in the silver category and the Symphonic Band won a silver rating. Maestro Awards for Outstanding Soloists went to Sally Jeffery on flute, NAHS Chorus President Emily Ingram for her alto solo, and Ben McGuire for his tenor solo.

You can hear these winning voices this weekend, since the entire Concert Choir is performing in Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes” this weekend. Emily Ingram, who plays Sally in the show and gets to sing a duet on “I Get a Kick Out of You,” with Mallory Curtin as Reno, is happy to round out her last year in high school with a national festival win.

“We worked really, really hard for this,” says Ingram. “We’d always dreamed of having one of those gold trophies, and when they finally announced the awards, we were excited beyond belief. It was a great way to end my senior year.”

Tenor Ben McGuire says it’s the first award he has ever won.

“I was extremely excited because I’ve never been singled out for an award before,” says McGuire, who sings in “Anything Goes” as Johnny No Shoes, a gangster in hiding, disguised as a monk. “I was ecstatic. It was an amazing feeling. I had a great experience with it.”

Durkin says she is blessed to have such a talented bunch of students to work with.

“North Andover is a great town,” says Durkin. “They’re really great kids, and that makes it exciting to go to work every day.”

NAHS Principal Carla Scuzzarella says she is really proud of this Music Department.

“This festival was the culmination of two years of hard work by our chorus under Sara Durkin and the band under Aaron Goldberg,” says Scuzzarella. “It reflects the way these students carry themselves as young adults representing North Andover. It’s nice to have this kind of recognition to validate their hard work.”

Durkin says the next hard work is going to be raising enough money to send the chorus to New York City next spring to sing in Carnegie Hall.

“This trip will be expensive, and we’ll need donations from businesses and individuals to help fund our trip,” says Durkin. “Donations in any amount will be welcome.”

Copyright 2010 North Andover Citizen. Some rights reserved


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