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Misc Music Dedicated To Eris...Or Not...

a tribute to danny elfman using the theme from batman (finally finished! i think...)
this one i wrote for my late Nana
this is a evil waltzy thing i did (one of many)
toutesque...it's bastardized french, meaning
Abra .'. Had .'. Abra .'.
* The Masquerade Theme (.wma file, may take a minute to load)(complete song)
* Waltz of Lament (complete melody/rhythm...still working on it though)
* Battle Hymn of the Mind's Eye (unfinished)
* Lucid Dream (not even close to finished)
* More Than That (once again, unfinished)
* The Masque Revealed (suprisingly, complete)
A jazzy ditty for Jezzy
(same as above, w/ base a shitty drums)
Study i never used
Serenade of Sorrow

i love the smell of fibonacci in the morning.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, etc...

infinity bottles of beer on the wall, infinity bottles
of beer, take one down and pass it around, infinity
bottles of beer on the wall!
infinity bottles of beer on the wall, infinity bottles
of beer, take one down and pass it around, infinity
bottles of beer on the wall!
in.....inf....damn, i lost count...now i have to start
back at infinity UGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!