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ALL AGES had the opportunity to sit down with Justin, lead singer/guitarist of the California based band Zebrahead after an unusual show. Zebrahead and openers the Riddlin Kids rocked the Vic Theater in Chicago even though the crowd only seemed half into either band if that. Justin had a broken ankle from as he put it, jumping over something and well not making it, but this didn’t stop him from jumping up and down on stage. Amazing performance delivered by Zebrahead even though their set had got cut back to half hour to add someone I could care less to watch to the bill. Below is the result of the interview that took place after their show and meet and greet with their fan club. For more info on Zebrahead make sure to check out

1. How would you describe your music for someone who has never heard you?

Well I can’t describe it. We have been compared to 311, but I think our music is very different. I think it’s because they have SA and Nick both singing. We used to get told it was like Rage Against The Machine and Green Day got in a car accident. There are no rules to our songs. We all write things, so I guess we just sound like Zebrahead.

2. What can we expect from your forthcoming album this July (2003)?

That sounds so funny, forthcoming and I am only 21. Well 21 plus six, but this is a very eclectic mix o four first and second releases on Columbia. We have done shit on this album that we have never done before. It’s gonna have the heaviest song we’ve ever wrote and an acoustic song. Greg’s guitar solo’s are bitchin’. It is really energetic.

3. How will this album be different than “Playmate Of The Year?”

The production on playmate was very polished and slick, this is more raw sounding like a high quality demo. It rocks harder but has the same characteristics of Zebrahead. We played a new song tonight. Such a fun song live. It goes from punk to funk to rap and back to punk. It’s like Pennywise meets Rage. This is lyrically my favorite album. There is so much meaning behind the songs that kids will relate to.

4. How did a band like yours get noticed in LA?

At the time we were coming Orange County had a good scene. We played the 369 Club in Fullerton and the local bands like Lit and Hed PE, and Dial 7. We all played shows together a lot and we drew off of each other. Hed PE was doing their metal type stuff while Lit played pop rock. We played for a local base and then it grew and people started to drive just to see us. At the time ska was still big so we played with The Reel Big Fish, Offspring, and the next thing we knew we became huge.

5. Where did the name Zebrahead come from?

It came from a movie called Zebrahead that stared Michael Rappaport. I said wow that sounds cool so we stole it. Someone said that an artist borrows and a genius steals, so by that statement we are a genius.

6. What are your favorite venues to play?

Well here in Chicago the Metro. The Roseland Ballroom in New York. There is another Roseland in Portland. Any House of Blues because they all have amazing catering, amazing sound, and clean showers. Japan is always a kick in the pants. We’ve had our most success there. It’s a real hoot and a holler.

7. What was the first album you ever bought?

Thriller by Michael Jackson. My second was the 45 for Weird Al. I want to say for the song “Eat It.” We were recording in LA at Maddog studios and Weird Al was there recording too. I had to be that one asshole that interrupted him, so I just walked in and said Weird Al. He was like yeah. Then I asked him to introduce us on our DVD and he did. I went Weird Al and he went yessssss and I said can I kiss you and he went noooooo. Weird Al, put him down as my main influence. Oh and Van Halen was the 3rd album I bought.

8. What is your favorite Behind the Music?

Bon Jovi. It was incredible to watch those guys live the rock and roll lifestyle. Plus come on which kid in the 80’s didn’t love Bon Jovi.

9. What would Zebrahead’s Behind the Music be like?

So you got to be big in Japan, but only had minimal success in the US. You had 3 albums flop, explain? Ummm we drank a lot of beer. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. And Playmate in the states? (Sighs) – then it would come back from commercial and we would still be sitting there doing this (shakes his head and sighs).

10. What do you think of the current mainstream media (MTV, radio)?

Well personally I think it is bullshit. When you see the shit that actually does work it is disheartening. There are shit bands everywhere but that comes with politics, the push they get from their label, and payola. It is ridiculous. Half of them don’t even write their own music. They get a cute 16 year old to sing someone else’s songs. There are some really good bands to. It’s just one big business.

11. What do you think of downloading?

I personally am not a fan. It’s cool to get music for free and it’s making the music industry interesting. It does affect bands and new bands too. Makes everything topsy turvey. It’s cool cause kids who can’t buy the album or whatever can now get it, but I think there should be rules. If you download music and like it then within a year you have to buy the album. Save money, a penny a day will get you the album. Buy it within’ a year or get shot, but only if you like the music.

12. What do you think it means to sell out?

Bullshit. If a band you like growing up, Green Day was mine. If they all of a sudden get signed to a major label and all that blah blah blah, but the music never changes. I don’t believe that this is selling out. I think if they get big you should be proud that you knew them first, but it doesn’t mean you stop liking them. If they change style to something else to get something then that’s a different issue.

13. What CD is currently spinning in your CD player?

The new Alkaline Trio but Coldplay when I go to sleep. I need to set the mood when I do the bunk whack. It is really romantic; otherwise you’re just whacking a trying to get it over with. I need to set the mood with Coldplay.

14. Do you like the club or festival better for a live show?

I like both. A club is more intimate, but there are more people at a fest. Seeing that many heads gives you a boner.

15. What band past or present would you love to play a show with?

Van Halen

16. Sammy, Dave, or Cherone?

I think Hagar did a really good job, Cherone I don’t know about. A for effort there. Of course though I have to go with Diamond Dave.

17. Is a live show or album more important?

Our live show hands down. An album can’t portray the energy of our live show.

18. Who are your favorite bands to play with and why?

Less Than Jake are shit loads of fun. They are really nice guys and they always put on a great live show. The runner up has to be 311. We are all really big fans of them and it was really cool to be able to watch them night in and night out. They had amazing crowds.

19. Have you ever been to the Playboy Mansion?

Hell yeah. We played a party there, for um well who cares who it was for. There were naked playmates everywhere. We were invited there for a Halloween party and we had just flown back from Japan. We were all feeling a little sick so we didn’t go. We figured it was just another party. Sure enough the next day on the news, and from the playboy mansion. Man, I have never seen better Halloween costumes. Shooting the video there was a lot of fun to.

20.What’s it like when a kid tells you that you’re the reason they started a band?

It’s a surreal feeling. Wow, you think everything… I remember when I used to say it to bands. It blows my mind. No matter what problems the band may be having at the time, when you hear that, make sit all worth it.