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ALL AGES had the chance to catch up with lead vocalist, Dan of the River City Rebels outside of the Fireside Bowl in Chicago. From the first note of the opening song of their set "Such A Bore" they proved for the 45 minutes they played that punk rock was alive and well. They mixed songs from all three of their releases into their set, and focused a lot of their latest "No Good No Time No Pride." See the review of the album on this site!

1.Describe your music for someone that’s never heard you?

Roots punk rock music with our own twist on it because of our horn section and energy.

2. What made you guys to decide on Victory Records for your label?

At the time when I started sending out demos to see if people were even interested we were only a band for like 6 months. Only 2 out of 50 labels responded, one was Victory and the other was Elevator Music. Elevator folded so it looks like we made the right choice.

3. You and Madcap have recently toured together, now that they have signed on with Victory are more tours in the works?

Yes, we are going back out with them and the Teen Idols in mid August (2003)

4. What can we expect to hear from your follow-up to “No Good No Time No Pride?

Hopefully it will be our London Calling. We have put out 3 records in 3 years, and now we are just taking time off from recording to push the records. We should be back in the studio next spring sometime, so maybe a new album next fall.

5. Who are your favorite bands to play with and why?

Worthless United, who we are playing with tonight. They are good friends of ours from New Jersey, and Madcap is always fun because we have a lot of the same influences.

6. What band do you see as being the next to break out of your hometown scene in Vermont?

None really. It’s not going to happen. There are only 6 or 7 bands from the Vermont Scene, but I don’t see any of them having the drive or determination to leave what they have in Vermont.

7. I’ve seen you compared to everyone from the X Ray Specs to the Sex Pistols, so who are your influences?

It varies really. New York Dolls, The Clash are big, The Ramones are big. I was listening to Bruce Springsteen the whole time I wrote our second album. Anything good really as long as the artist is honest and sincere. Otis Redding.

8. Is a Tour or an album more important to the success of your band?

Touring. It seems right it just feels right for us. There aren’t enough sincere bands out there playing live and they don’t put out the energy in their show.

9. If given the opportunity to be the next big thing, would you take it and why or why not?

Of course we would. I wouldn’t want to step into though, but if someone came along now and wanted to make our music big sure.

10. How have you seen the punk scene change since you began?

It’s weird. It is like every 3 years a new crowd comes in. Kids always seem to be coming and going. It’s like once they turn 18 they think they have to move on and start listening to different stuff. I think we are seeing more respect now than before because we have been around for years.

11. What was the first punk rock song you ever heard?

When I actually knew what it was, I would say Green Day back in 94. I lived in Vermont so punk wasn’t really a big thing there before Green Day. I listened to AC/DC Metallica, and hard rock like that. Hair bands and things like that growing up.

12. What about the punk scene attracted you to it?

I started playing bass because of Green Day. It was very simplistic and easy to play. I liked that about it. I liked the anyone can do it concept.

13. How has downloading affected the River City Rebels?

It helps us out if anything. It may hurt album sales a bit, but it makes up for it cause if the kid likes it he will come out to a show. I think it should be that way. You should be able to preview stuff before you buy it because so many bad albums are out there.

14. What CD is currently in your player?

Driving into Chicago today I had on the Boys. I am into the late 70’s London scene. The Briefs are really good too.

15. Do you prefer the clubs or festivals?

The clubs are the best. We are playing the Fireside Bowl tonight. This place is legendary for all age punk shows. The kids appreciate it and support the club scene more. We can hang out and sweat on the kids when we play.

16. What is your favorite in between gig activity to do while on the road?

We just spend a lot of money of street hockey equipment, so we have been doing that. That little ball is hard too. I got hit in the head the other day and that hurt a lot.

17. What band past or present would you love to play a show with?

The Clash. They are the greatest band of all time. The New York Dolls would be a close second and T-Rex. I love him.

18. What River City Rebels song defines everything that you believe in?

There isn’t just one. My favorite off of the new album is “Aborted.” It’s content musically and lyrically speaks to kids coming from fighting families and shit.

19. What do you think about selling out?

I am all for it if you don’t compromise your values or change for it. If MTV or the radio wants to play us it’s okay with me.

20. What is it like when a kid tells you that it’s your influence that made them start a band?

It is a good feeling, but tough to believe that. It is nice but you usually just disregard it when someone says.